Apr 15, 2004 19:07
Have you ever..
2. Run Away From Home:yah and went to my tree house
3. Hit A Girl: yupp
4. Lied: hah yupp
5. Stolen Anything: ooh boy yes
6. Broken A Bone: my toe :(
7. Cheated On A Test: haha
8. Had a boyfriend: yupp
9. Gotten Drunk: yupp
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: i dont get it
11. Been In The Hospital: yupp, surgery ew
ah hold on my fave video is on*k back
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: no but id let them
13. fallen asleep in the shower/bath: when i was little
14. Gone to Church: yuup
15. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yupp
16. Been to a camp: not overnight im a fraidy cat
17. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: nope
18. Gone a week w/out shaving:my legs haha
19. Didn't wash your hair for a week: ick nope
20. Broken something valuable: yup :( lol
21. Thought you were in love: nope
22. Streaked the streets: nope but that would be fun
23. Screamed at someone for no reason: yupp lol
24. Said I love you and meant it: yup to my fami nd friends tho
25. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: nope
26. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yupp
27. Pulled a prank? yup
28. Made fun of someone? lol um yes :(
Which Is Better..
1. Coke Or Pepsi: pepsi
2. Cats Or Dogs: cant choose
3. DVDs or VHS: dvd babie
4. Deaf Or Blind: aww :( none
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: pools their bigger :) haha but hottubes are warmerr
6. Television Or Radio: tv
7. CDs Or MP3's: hmm both
8. Apples or oranges: hmm both
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberriis
10. Gold or silver: gold, silver looks fake sumtimes
11. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
12. Movies or music: both
13.Park or Beach: both
14. Hot or Cold weather: hott duh
15. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset ;)
When is the Last Time You..
1. Took a shower: this morning
2. Cried: ummm over the weekend bcuz of physical pain
3. Watched a Disney movie: yesterdayy
4. Given/gotten a hug: today
5. Been to the movies: jersey girl a while ago
6. Said I love you: today
7.Danced:today 8. Did a survey like this: 2 seconds ago :)