My 9th of August PMS

Aug 09, 2007 20:07

Maybe becos I had a bad week/day at work, maybe I because I had insufficient sleep this few weeks... I suddenly just lost it even though it's not the time of the month yet.

Why? Trigger point? I'm watching Singapore NDP 2007 webcast now. :(

Hearing some new national songs like Will You... and old ones like Stand Up for Singapore.

Gawd, the fireworks are beautiful... they may not  be as fancy as those in Japan Hanabi shown by ,
riverie but they are by far the most beautifully heart-wrenching fireworks I've ever seen against the backdrop of the city skyline I'm so familiar with.

We, the people of Singapore
Pledge ourselves as one united People
Regardless of race, language or religion
To build a democratic society
Based on justice and equality
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity
And progress for our Nation

Happy 42nd Birthday Singapore!

Will you

There's no place I'd rather be


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