Nov 29, 2006 13:09
I missed this journal so much. Its been like a month since my last entry and I seriously feel like Im gonna blow up. These totally are my therapy sessions right here. right now.
Ok so where do I start hmmmmmm...
ok school is going good, I was a bit worried to as what my grades are turning out to be but it looks like I might be passing with a 3.o GPA so yay!!!!!!!
My moms boyfriends house just got sold, our sale sign is up and people are coming in and out of the house. Its so sad allll my teenage memories are in that house. I sat on my island right across the street just staring at my house crying. I totally broke down, everything is just happening so fast. I might be moving into a trailer in Ontario. I dont really mind that its a trailer the only thing Im worried about is living be myself and my cat. Hes going to hate it there the trailer is no bigger that 2 normal size rooms put together. And its just goin to be me and him. I really hope he doesnt ger depressed because of my mom leaving.
Im nervous. I dont know what to do, that trailer option is there and it is rent free for one whole year. where else can I find an option like that?! nowhere!
ummmmmmm soooo I GOT A NEW JOB!! ayo!
Its for a furniture and shoe import and export chinese business. Its a big company so Im jazzed. Im still at my old job, havnt told them that friday is my last day.... eeek but am in the process of writting my resignation letter.
so hopefully everything goes smoothly. Im gonna miss this job but meh we all have to move on eventually.
I really dread this weather right now as Im typing this I cannot feel my fingertips. But snowboarding oh yay! I got a board at ski dazzle its a Forum board its sooooooooo sick! Just need the rest of my gear.
Boo saying he wants us to take our first run this weekend, but we'll seeee...
ok thats it for now. Thnx that really did help.