no life

Apr 20, 2007 00:42

apologies to everyone about my absence from here....

...i'm not ignoring you, i'm ignoring pretty much everything.

having one day off kinda sucks.  but it's the price i'm paying for hopefully bettering myself and my station in life.

attending Blanche MacDonald for the makeup artistry diploma program... going pretty good so far, learning a lot, doing cool stuff, anticipating doing even more cool stuff...

...i already have a girl from work wanting me to do her makeup for grad (for you americans, prom).  theoretically, i could sell my services for 'makeup lessons' to two girls from work, including my manager...

...and i got to give a makeover to my co-worker's mom, and she liked it enough to keep the makeup on for work.  which was awesome.  she was a good model to work on, cooperative and easy-going, all "do what you like, you're the artist"... very cool.  it's really awesome, being able to do this sort of thing for people, enhancing and drawing attention to great features they have... perhaps even making them aware that it IS a great feature.

have some really cool classmates that are becoming friends of mine, who i wouldn't mind spending time with outside of school....... if i had the time.  sometime, going to take one of my buddies on a "this is Vancouver" tour, since she's from Florida and doesn't know where anything is.  if i can find the damn time for it.  maybe next thursday, since i'm heading to the campus to be a model for a friend of mine for her airbrushing final anyway.

that's pretty exciting, actually.  for higher-level finals, you actually end up getting the services of a pro photographer who captures your work.  awesome stuff.  i'm getting copies of the final product, too!

did something i've been wanting to do for a while... me and the boyfriend went to the Aquarium a couple weeks ago. it was AWESOME.  dolphins are so cool.  as are turtles.  got some great pics of the trip on my phone of all things.  and got the student rate on admission! yeah!

then we sat down in uncomfortable positions for about half an hour and had a guy sketch a portrait of the two of us. it was pretty cool.  if we ever do it again, i'm so instructing my boyfriend to not look so serious and stoic.

the downside other than having very little free time and being tired most of the time is the fact that now i have to work weekends again, and have pretty much no hope of being able to participate in wrestling for the duration of this whole thing.

which is 10 months.

and god knows what sort of schedule i'll have later.

well... i guess being a wrestler didn't turn out to be my path in life, but hopefully i can still have some presence in there in some capacity.  i enjoy it too much to leave it behind completely... and i like a lot of the peeps too much.

buuut... i will be pestering a lot of the guys in a couple months when we do drag makeup.... or even airbrushing. who wants their muscles airbrushed into super-defined glory? eeeeehhhhhh?

Sidney Sylum..... lookin' at you.... :D

just downloaded the new NIN album. digging it.  gotta listen to the rest of the Peeping Tom album.  pretty cool what i've heard so far. mike patton rocks.  thanks to one of my classmates for alerting me to it.

perhaps at some point i'll post some pics of the work i've done so far... lighting has been atrocious to me, as have my not-so-good camera skills... i'm far better at taking pictures of objects than people.

anyways, hope everyone's doing good... take care, guys!
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