after what could be called one of the nuttiest 20 min conversations i've ever had... thanks to Kyle and his history essay...
...i found this; that's where i used to live, it was bugging me, cuz Kyle asked where i was living in Germany, and i'm like uh... uh... it started with a sch... it was by Stuttgart, i think... uh... dammit!
Scharnhausen. try saying that ten times fast.
just looking at the map, i'm marking out going "Nellingen! i used to bike-ride to there!"
something lost, something gained, it seems to be the theme for the day.
i ALMOST gained over 700 dollars.
then i LOST 540 dollars.
so fucking frustrating. BC Medical billed me without even me knowing, so i owe them. apparently. the government owed me over 700 for tax-returns. that would've been rather nice. seeing as i've got rent, a phone-bill and bank-debt to take care of. and training to pay off. and and and.
on the bright side, i guess i could get my shoulder looked at now? i think i slept on it funny last night. been kinda hurty today.
when a high point of the day is looking forward to getting someone to poke me with a needle, it's probably a sure sign of "i should've just stayed in bed"
i should've just stayed in bed.