You Are 80% Boyish and 20% Girlish
You have a tough exterior - and usually a tough interior to match it.
You're no nonsense, logical, and very assertive.
Sometimes you can't understand women at all, even if you're a woman yourself.
You see things rationally, and don't like to let your emotions get the best of you.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You? as i said before... doesn't really make much sense to me that it's 'girlish' to dislike guns. i own a frickin sword for fuck's sakes. i just dislike guns. especially after knowing the statistics on how much the chance of injury or death increases just by owning a gun... gun+kids=bad, right? yeah. household guns. goooood stuff. then there's also the statistic that you're more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.
kind of like a bit of a story from the Wheel of Time, just a snippet, not even important to any of the plotlines... a Tairen woman running her husband through with a knife, thinking he was an intruder, because he came home earlier than expected, in the middle of the night.
yeah, my synopsis sucks. but it's that sort of thing.
says the girl who owns a sword.
it's a display piece, okay? not even sharp!
ahem. yes. well. *sighs* i gotta get off my ass and go whore myself some more... capitalist whoring tactics. wheee. if only the damn show was on saturday, i could book myself at the Queens and pay rent. that would be nice, wouldn't it? yeeeaaaah. hrmph. looks like i'll be missing wrestlemania, since i have no choice but to work on sunday, IF i can even get it. ugh.
bleaaaaggggghhhhhhh. last thing i want to do right now is try to sell myself as a prospective employee to some place or other. but. life is life, and such things necessitate that i have some sort of income. stupid capitalist society.
why did i start dancing? capitalist society. moooney. ka-ching.