bokey H2O polo18: dont hate, just got back from church camp
bokey H2O polo18: it was so amazing, it was really awesome
J OBrien144: haha
J OBrien144: i loved the church camps i went to
J OBrien144: so much un church shit went down
bokey H2O polo18: do you have a relationship with Jesus?
J OBrien144: no
J OBrien144: lol
bokey H2O polo18: why not?
J OBrien144: ...i just dont believe in him, i dont need to, im perfectly happy, good person without it
bokey H2O polo18: for now, what happens when you die?
J OBrien144: ...i die
J OBrien144: o well
bokey H2O polo18: everything that makes you happy, is temporary
J OBrien144: exactly
J OBrien144: im fine with that
J OBrien144: lol
J OBrien144: i die, and...thats it
bokey H2O polo18: on a scale from one to ten, how sure are you that you are going to heaven
J OBrien144: there is no heaven
bokey H2O polo18: yes there is, and what makes you say that?
J OBrien144: i dont need to think that im going somewhere after i die
J OBrien144: heaven or hell, i dont need to go to church on sunday, or waste my time thinking about some guy that lived 2000 years ago that died on a cross, lots of people died on crosses why is he so important, cuz he said he was the savoir of the world, i jsu dont buy the bible or anything
bokey H2O polo18: brb
J OBrien144: it was written by man, it has so many contridictions, and its too much stuff that crosses over itself for me to wanna even try to believei nt it
bokey H2O polo18: i was hopin you were gonna say that, cause there was a presentation that was about "the reliability of the bible" and it proves that the bible is Gods word
J OBrien144: like eating shellfish is a sin, MASTURBATION WILL SEND YOU TO HELL, having sex before marriage ( which was just a ploy to stop ppl from getting pregnant), jesus wasnt even born on christmas in december ( they moved it to a pagan holiday to get more ppl in it) its a big cult
bokey H2O polo18: masturbation can be stopped
J OBrien144: you're trying to tlel me that you dont masturbate
J OBrien144: or every other young boy in the world
bokey H2O polo18: i DID
bokey H2O polo18: but there is a group called accountability group
J OBrien144: thats stupid, its not hurting anybody, and its a safe way to relieve your tension
J OBrien144: lol
bokey H2O polo18: its lust
J OBrien144: whats wrong with lsut?
bokey H2O polo18: thats a deadly sin (one of the seven)
bokey H2O polo18: because its a deadly sin!
J OBrien144: says who?
J OBrien144: why does it have to be bad?
J OBrien144: its human nature
J OBrien144: what is jerkin off have to do with lust?
bokey H2O polo18: i know, people do it, its a sin, its human nature to sin, but an accountability group will hold you accountable to make sure you stop what you really need to stop
bokey H2O polo18: okayt, when you masturbate, what do you think of?
J OBrien144: haha me having sex? but its not like i go out and have orgies constantly, have 8 stds', am a bad person, and wont contribute to soceity, its not hurting anybody
J OBrien144: i do when when im completely done with everything that i needed to accomplish for the day, and i want to do something for myslef so i dont go f'ing insane cuz i havent gotten any in 2 months
bokey H2O polo18: okay, think of this, your an adultor at HEART
bokey H2O polo18: and that is just as bad, if you ever have impure thoughts with one person, and have impure thoughts about some other person, that is adultry
J OBrien144: so im a bad person for having thoughts like that?
J OBrien144: like 99% of the normal population
bokey H2O polo18: i know, but that is a SIN!
J OBrien144: why does it have to be a sin? who the fuck came up with the idea that something like THINKING something, not even acting on it is a bad thig?
J OBrien144: just because i think i wanna kill somebody, doesnt mean i will
J OBrien144: just because i think i wanna fuck my spanish student teachers brains out until she cries for more, does not mean im going to do it
J OBrien144: its a thought, imagination, we were given brains to think these things
J OBrien144: and i have a penis, im going to use it
bokey H2O polo18: then you are a murderur at heart
J OBrien144: thats insanity
J OBrien144: what do you think about gay people
bokey H2O polo18: okay, go to this website, and HONESTLY read it all
bokey H2O polo18: OBrien144: i will, but i wont ever go to churrch, take communion, get married in a church or having anything to do with a church
J OBrien144: ever
J OBrien144: do you have any gay friends?
bokey H2O polo18: yes, and i preach to them too
J OBrien144: why
J OBrien144: they cant help it
bokey H2O polo18: its a decision of their own
J OBrien144: this website is a waste of reading, its not a decision
bokey H2O polo18: no its not, read the whole thing
J OBrien144: i am
J OBrien144: i wanna throw up
J OBrien144: i dont need to waste my time, thinking about this bullshit, when i have better things to do, like having fun
J OBrien144: or studying calculus
bokey H2O polo18: what is your defenition of fun?
J OBrien144: definantly not thinking about this, because even if i do, it makes no difference in how i feel
J OBrien144: my parents tried all thsi BS with me, it doesnt make a difference in how i feel as a person, i know im a good person, people love me, thats all i need
J OBrien144: i could lose every material possesion, and still be a happy person
bokey H2O polo18: nce were in the lust department, in John 8, Mary Magleden was accused of Adultry, and was going to be stoned to eath, Jesus stood up and said in John 8: 7 "if any of you is without sin, let them be the first to throw a stone at her" and one by one they dropped their stones. After that Jesus asked her "woman, has no one comdemned you" she said "no one" and Jesus replied "then neither do I, go now and leave your life of sin"
J OBrien144: yay for something written by a possessed priest with schizophrenia
J OBrien144: i dont care what jesus did
J OBrien144: i care about how i treat people, and how they treat other people
J OBrien144: it has nothing to do with god, it has to do with whats right and wrong, and thats not dictated by a book or "GOD"
bokey H2O polo18: listen, what is so bad with believing in Jesus?
J OBrien144: nothing, if it helps you and makes you feel like a better person GREAT, but dont try to make other people like that, unless they voice their opinion and say " i want to try this" cuz it royally pisses them off
bokey H2O polo18: why does it piss you off? Think about this, just spending an HOUR out of your day to pray and read the scriptures could make you spend eternity in heaven
J OBrien144: i dont have an hour a day for myself, why would i give to somebody that i dont even need in my life?
J OBrien144: i dont believe there is a heaven
J OBrien144: and im HAPPY with that
J OBrien144: i dnot need anything after this, this is more than enough for me
J OBrien144: i dont have 10 minutes to pray, i dont want to pray, i dont need to pray, i dont need to go to churhc, i dont need to read the bible, i need to read the book i have for english so i dont fail
bokey H2O polo18: okay, so you dont have to go to church
bokey H2O polo18: your talking to me, and weve been talking at least half an hour
J OBrien144: lol i already dont
J OBrien144: check one on GOIG TO HEAVEN woot
J OBrien144: ::barf::
J OBrien144: ok?
J OBrien144: lol
J OBrien144: u dont think ive had this conversation like 400 times with my parents
bokey H2O polo18: well, parents are somtimes like, too uptight about it
bokey H2O polo18: they dont put it into easy terms
J OBrien144: you're worse than them
J OBrien144: easy? lol
J OBrien144: im not retarded
J OBrien144: its bull shit
J OBrien144: i dont need it
J OBrien144: i dont want it
J OBrien144: even if it is true, i dont give a fuck
J OBrien144: cuz im fine in my ignorane
J OBrien144: ignorance*
bokey H2O polo18: listen, do you admit that you sin?
J OBrien144: i admit i do wrong things
bokey H2O polo18: okay, thats a step
bokey H2O polo18: do you repent?
J OBrien144: no
J OBrien144: i move on
bokey H2O polo18: why?
J OBrien144: cuz i dont dwell upon things that i odnt need to think about, waste of time
J OBrien144: im a good person, i dont need to have jesus in my life to know how to be a good person
bokey H2O polo18: okay, if you have jesus, you can still be a good person
J OBrien144: why do i have to have jesus? what if you're wrong? and spent all this time praying, giong to church, reading the bible and BS? cuz you have HOPE thats so stupid, i have my hope there is nothing, you have ytours there is something, keep it to yourself, i dont want what u have, im happy and good with what i have , you got what u have
J OBrien144: keep it that way
bokey H2O polo18: okay, i used to think that way, that what if this is all a lie and fake
bokey H2O polo18: but its not
J OBrien144: how do you know that? three is no definite answer to any of this
J OBrien144: but i believe this
J OBrien144: and thats OKAY
bokey H2O polo18: how can you say its OKAY?
J OBrien144: why is it not ok? im happy, your happy, everythings chill
J OBrien144: i dont need to think what you think
J OBrien144: its what makes people people, diversity
bokey H2O polo18: okay, well, tomorrow isnt promised, do you believe that?
J OBrien144: i might die before i wake up? yea, o well
bokey H2O polo18: okay, well, if you were to die, where would you go?
J OBrien144: id die
J OBrien144: nothing
J OBrien144: nowhere
J OBrien144: id jus stop brain processes, and id cease to exist, nothing
bokey H2O polo18: do you believe there is a hell or purgatory?
J OBrien144: no
bokey H2O polo18: okay, well, there was a girl that i knoew, her name was Staci Stephens, after she lead alot of people to Christ, she died of a viral infection, and now that she is still dead, her documentaries still move people into receiving Christ
J OBrien144: okay? so she wrote some papers that people still read, good for her
J OBrien144: she did something with her life
J OBrien144: what she believed in
J OBrien144: yay for her
J OBrien144: its not for me
J OBrien144: i dont need to read that
J OBrien144: i dont need jesus
J OBrien144: i dont need staci stephens DEAD preaching in my life
bokey H2O polo18: you may not need Jesus now, but what if one of your family members were to die or suddenly get deathly ill?
J OBrien144: id be sad, but they'd either die or get better
bokey H2O polo18: we go again!
J OBrien144: if thye die, id be sad, miss them, but id MOVE ON
bokey H2O polo18: okay, so what about "at least there in a better place?"
bokey H2O polo18: where is your better place?
J OBrien144: being dead, no more pain, nothing there is nothing
J OBrien144: what if that IS heaven, NOTHING, what if thats also HELL nothing
J OBrien144: and i dont even believe myself when i say " they're in a better place" cuz it's jus passing through the gestures so you can " somehow make the other person feel better"
bokey H2O polo18: what is about Jesus, or believing in Him that makes you like, not want to believe in him
J OBrien144: i dont need to, he was just a person, i believe in MYSELF because ill always have that and dont try to pull " but you can let yourself down" AND SO CAN A DEAD MAN THAT DIED 2000 YEARS AGO? lol, okay yea
J OBrien144: my aunt has tried, my priest has tried, my parents ahve tried for years
J OBrien144: ever since i was like 8
J OBrien144: fuck jesus, i dont need him
J OBrien144: o PS why is he always white in every picture? wasnt he arabic?
J OBrien144: haha
bokey H2O polo18: now that is a good question, no one knows
J OBrien144: so how do you know what ppl wrote down what " he said" is true?
J OBrien144: they could have written down anything they wanted to
J OBrien144: you said man commits sins
J OBrien144: it oculd be one big lie
bokey H2O polo18: could be, but its not
J OBrien144: why not
J OBrien144: i lie all the time in spanish things cuz i can, to fill up spac
J OBrien144: e
bokey H2O polo18: ill send you some power point some time, and it proves the reliability of the bible
J OBrien144: why wouldnt they
J OBrien144: its so unreliable it isnt funny
J OBrien144: to me, at least
bokey H2O polo18: answer me this with an HONEST TO GOD ANSWER! Is there something that your not telling me? and What are you so afraid of by accepting Jesus as your personal LORD and saviour
bokey H2O polo18: ?
J OBrien144: what wouldnt i be telling you? ive told you why i dont accept him, cuz i dont believe he is real, i thnk its bull shit, ive read the bible, its unreliable, hipocritical, and it was written by the smae " sinful" people that you're talking about
J OBrien144: everybody lies, why couldnt that be like " the divinci code" OF ALL TIME?
J OBrien144: hea?
bokey H2O polo18: hea?
J OBrien144: huh?
J OBrien144: lol
bokey H2O polo18: nvm
bokey H2O polo18: okay, are you afraid of wasting your time? because i can PROMISE you and SWEAR TO GOD that in the end, it wont be a waste of time
J OBrien144: no, i honestly dont believe it, if i did i would make time for it
J OBrien144: i make time for things that are actualyl worth my time
J OBrien144: something that i belive in whole heartedly fits into my life somehow
J OBrien144: im 100% agaisnt this
J OBrien144: i think its thge most retarded thing that has ever been INVENTED
bokey H2O polo18: okay, well what if it ISNT real? and there is a heaven and hell, then what would you say?
J OBrien144: lol, well i dont believe there is, so in my reality there isnt
J OBrien144: o well
J OBrien144: i dont need to worry about that
bokey H2O polo18: okay, so when you die, you would spend an eternity in hell, burning in flames, then chillin with Jesus in heaven?
J OBrien144: sweet, ill be able to stay thin cuz ill be sweating so much AWESOME
bokey H2O polo18: thats really bad
J OBrien144: lol, i think its pretty chill in muffinville for me
J OBrien144: so you can go pray, eat your little church bread, and i can sleep in and look hot cuz i didnt have to wake up early to go to church on sunday
J OBrien144: sweet
bokey H2O polo18: well, im going to bed, we will continue this conversation later
J OBrien144: lol OKAY
J OBrien144: i shoul call you jesus
J OBrien144: you seem to be his number 1 homeboy
J OBrien144: i mean jesus 2
bokey H2O polo18: lol