Exhausted yet Excited~~

Sep 16, 2008 22:31


3rd day of tight schedule:

Okay, so I was so friggin tired after two crazy days and eventually got sick. :P *heh* Not able to crawl to Anwee's and have our MJ party, like to present my deepest apology to Kenji and Lodull cuz they were kinda disappointed.. :P (So am I, hun..) Anyway... *keeee* hope to have another party soon. :]



4th day of tight schedule:

A weird groupin of gang havin drink at Marco's.. -_- Glad that Max and Eddie were there cuz w/out their help, it'd be a disaster if I search for Dik w/ Pris by ourselves..*sigh* Not gonna write details in here yet I was a bit mo loi cuz felt a bit like..*blank* Anyway..
*wahaha* Max was my hubby that night, happy that he protected me...*heh* He's really like Raymond.. o.O He's ssssoooo tall and thin as well. :D



5th day of tight schedule:

Thought we are not gonna have nethin special to do durin Mid-autumn but IT TURNED OUT WE HAVE A DAMN CRAZY PARTY~!!!!! We had BBQ, played UNO, Jenga, chess..(SSSOOO HEALTHY..AT THE BEGINNIN OF THE NIGHT~!) XD and then we started to drink after midnight and play loony games like frenetics until 8am~!! Pris, Ar ma, Ar ba, Eddie(s), Maggie, Kelly, Brian, Fung~~~Funny yet fresh groupin~! XD I was damn drunk and slept... *zzzzz* Said sth silly but *Shhhh* S-E-C-R-E-T~!!!!! *muah* <3


Gotta work hard on my first individual assignment which would be due 26th..yet got no idea on what should I search for referencin.. -_- *help* Convention Venue..*BIG sigh* Projects...*BIGGER sigh*

It's extremely sudden cuz after all these years, I've never imagine that you'd say sth like this..like..er..yea, kinda...weird...thanks, but er...I dun really wanna think 'bout relationship matter at the moment so..yea..anyway...*bullshit*

Seems that I have been takin up the habit of givin a hard time to those who have a crush or real feelings on me but spendin time w/ those who weren't serious enough towards relationship or affairs... >:\ *damn* I'm sorry..

Let's see if we can have another MJ party this Fri night, okay? :]
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