Jan 13, 2006 23:04

wow a lot has happened uhhh i don't remember wednesday except for that night. uhhh i went to faith which ended up being michael's basketball game. kinda boring. but i got to go to katie's afterwards. i forgot to bring the kentucky spoon bread and katie was PISSED we spent some time in her room chatting about people in school. then we had a little photo shoot. we had to make poses according to the words shouted out. some of the words were brigade parcel clam uhh i'll maybe have pictures in webshots. also, katie learned to do a really good imitation of my mother's laugh.

and had a kevin pose in front of the door with the rain outside.

lucky for me, pizza had come and the whole thing was gone after katie,greg, mr barton and i got to it. katie and i watched the sandlot 2. it was funny and retarded. so funtarded. also on wednesday i drew a design for the guard show shirt. i hope it wins. i dont really remember thursday that much.. katie came over after school. we watched NEXT with some guy named THOR, GOD OF THUNDER katie and i posed outside of our pretend bus. it was really funny. we both had some kentucky spoon bread and watched The Professional. we played with elke and when i screamed at her to get off the couch, she just looked at me, as if she was saying "eh".

i got in trouble with mom for not feeding elke at five and i guess that was katie's cue to leave.

uhh today was good.

maggie put my hair in pigtails. i looked CUTE

z and abbi and i had a fun time talking about animal experimentation

we're learning cpr in gym and we get to palpitate the belly button! :)

uhh math sucked cuz we had a test.

mrs jarvis was like, clear your desks of everything except your pencils and calculators and caitie goes "WE GET TO USE CALCULATORS?" and jarvis goes, "Oh no, that's right, you can't. i'm sorry" and caitie goes "AHAHAHA YOU"RE SUCH A JOKSTER JARVIS"

i had a lesson 5th period with mr hawkins, the bastard.ugh.

6th i had to go in for accounting. that sucked

7th sucked

english was fun.

9 i practiced with teh benihanas and after school we had our audition. it took about 20 minutes to get all the microphones set up and instead of helping, will and i just stood there and talked about family guy. we might watch the constant gardener tomorrow i can't wait.

so her'es where the really fun stuff comes in:

thomas came to my house and we drove to loew's, thinking we were gonna see Hostel.

so i went and bought my ticket (which they ID'd) me for, but i couldn't buy one for thomas. so we got really discouraged and thomas said let's go to regal.

we got into binghamton on mainstreet and then thomas called his dad so that he could get directions to regal.

we finally got there and thomas gave me mike bowen's id and i bought two tickets for hostel.

we had about an hour to kill so we walked over to the cracker barrel gift store and played checkers.

then we were a lil hungry so we were gonna get appetizers at applebee's but it was taking too long and we were on a $7 budget.

we decided to go to the gas station.

we spent a good half hour in there, deciding what to buy with 4 dollars.

we bought a lot of lil debbie cakes cuz they were 2 for a dollar.we felt like such thrifters. i suggested that we buy a loaf of bread but after some thought, thomas convinced me not to get it. we were high on life at that point.

we got back into the movies and went in to hostel. during the previews a bunch of little kids (like 13) came in and thoams goes OH THEY ARE NOT THIRTEEN!!!

once we sat down and took out all our snacks hidden in various crevices of our shirts and pants, i started to get nauseous, anticipating the movie.

i went to the concession stand to get a bag to throw up in and all they would give me was a little goody bag. oh well.

it ended up that i dind't need it. hostel was a really good movie. it was really gory and gross, but not scary. it didn't mess with my mind as much as saw did. some parts were so gross that they were funny.

after that we were on our way home and took a wrong turn and ended up on our way to kirkwood. we were in a really sketchy part of binghamton that neither of us knew. we were about to get on the highway when i pulled a u turn and stopped at a sketchy gas station to ask how to get onto main street. the girl said just follow the road the way you're going.

once we got to some place we recognized, we realized that the wrong turn we had taken was about 10 feet int he opposite direction of the way we needed to go.

10 feet the other way could've saved us about 25 minutes but i twas fun nonetheless.

we watched will and grace/ my own when we got back to my house.

then thomas left and now i'm here.

check out my webshots , i'm updating it tonight.
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