a ghost from the past...

Mar 20, 2014 10:57

I, for some reason, I have been feeling the urge to write recently, and remembered my LJ account! I was surprised to see it was still alive!!! The thing is, I really need to start writing and having my personnal space online, other than Facebook, which I feel is rather unpersonnal...

I Wonder if some people will see this entry, but let's try. I have a question for you if you read this. Are you on any blog or place to write besides LJ, and if so, do you have any recommendations for me?

For those who Wonder what happenned with me in the last years, well to make it short, I'M still with the same great guy since almost 5 1/2 years, we get along really well, the only thing I don't really like is that he has 2 children. In fact, the children are no worries and we love each other, but their mother is insane and I have so much anger Inside about her...writing about it, amongst other things, could make me feel better Inside. On a more positive note, I finished my baccalaureate in 2012, and am now about to complete my master's degree! I'm really proud of these achievements!

I want to start a blog to put back some creativity and art into my life and other's, and to express myself on a regular basis, which could help me since I don't have that many friends, and my true friends are quite busy with their children. So why not put my energy on myself and create something pretty and Worth reading online?

thanks in advance to those who will give me some recommendations;)

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