This week we were sad because of a huge gas bill. It has doubled since the last one. So, it is cheaper to have the hot water on all day rather than twice, but its broken and the heating comes on at the same time, so its too hot. Sarah illustrated her feelings about this with a beautiful drawing:
Saw Dave on Saturday! Here in London! Right here in Mile End! There was a comics thing happening and he was showing his work etc. So I went along to say hello, and we went out drinking later.
Then I had to go out to Westbourne Studios on Sunday, and there was lots of the Circle and Hammersmith & Shitty lines closed, so it was a bit of a trek to get there! Would have been easier to get the bus probably, but I was running late. Then when I got there, thinking I was too late, there were no boards there yet. So we all had to wait around for ages. So I got there at 3, thinking I'd be there for 10mins max setting up, and only left at half 6. Not overly impressed with it all really, the place is nice and all, but who's going to bother going out there to see it?
But just in case any of you want to go (haha), tomorrow, 6-9pm, westbourne studios, westbourne park tube, and then follow the arrows (if they're still there), music, art, free booze.. and jelly beans!
Ooh, and I saw Graham Coxon today,