Top 10 Bias! Quiz? Game? Thing?

Dec 12, 2015 17:23

Sorry guys I'm really bored again, and I seriously need a break from writing this new story I have, I'm half way done and now I'm stuck so...yeah. I don't remember where exactly i found this but i'm pretty sure it was tumblr.... anyway let's play a game! Quiz? Whatever this is.


Rules: Write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions. (I'm gonna put a picture of mine...I hope it's not cheating. ^^) No, they're not in a particular order.

1. Between 1&4: Who would you rather kiss?

Dong Woon! ❤

2. Between 2&7: Who would be your best friend?

Jungkook (just seems like someone easy to get along with)

3. Between 5&8: Who has the better voice?

Kame!!! (This is one of the main reason's why!)

4. Between 1&8: Who is the funniest?

Kame again!!

5. Between 6&8: Who would you date?

Kame x3!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ (It will forever be him lol ^^)

6. Between 9&10: Who would you do a collaboration with?

Hongbin (I love his voice)

7. Between 4&8: Who is the best dancer?

Kame X4! lol ^^ (I'm not doing it on purpose. I promise. I don't think I've ever seen G-dragon dance...still Kame though..)

8. Between 3&5: Who would you most likely marry?

V (he's seems fun and silly. Life with him wouldn't be boring, plus Jin's already married....)

9. Between 1&7: Who would you nurse when they are sick?

Jimin (he's like a little kid, I would see him like a brother.)

10. Between 2&3: Who has a better smile?

I can't decide sorry... (they both have cute smiles!! Don't make me choose!! TT_TT)

11. Between 6&8: Who would you vacation with?
I'm sorry Kame but got to go with Ryo. (He seems like he would know alot of fun places to go.)


I really don't know how so many ended up being Kazuya..Maybe it's fate, he willl always be #1! lol ^^ I'll put the blank questions in the comments any of you want to try too (n_n) And if you don't mind link me to yours I would love to read it! Bye Bye!!!!!

* memes, *personal, *random

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