Angel/Cordelia drabble - season 2, ats

Apr 16, 2012 21:40

Angel: [in reference to his hair] This is because of going through the portal, right?
Cordelia: No, it always looks like that.
-"Through the Looking Glass."

Title: New Style For Angel
Summary: Cordelia cuts Angel's hair.
Author: joans_journal
Rating: G
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia
Setting: AtS S2, around "Through the Looking Glass."

"Angel, your hair looks fine. I doubt going to the hair salon would be a good idea."
Angel looked thoughtful.


"Well, for starters, uh, mirrors?"

Angel nodded.

"Oh yeah. Those." Angel looked almost pouty. "I really need a haircut, Cordelia. There's got to be a way."

Cordelia looked amused.

"Angel, how long has it been since you went to the hair salon?"

Angel looked thoughtful.

"50s, maybe."

Cordelia's eyebrows raised.

"Really? Who's been cutting your hair since then?"

Angel looked embarassed.

"Honesty? I usually do it myself. Or try too. Darla did my hair for years. She was a hairdresser back when we were living in Milan, in the late 20s. We owned our own salon for a while. I threw parties. She did the hair."

Cordelia laughed, shaking her head.

"Uh, huh. That explains a lot."


A couple hours later, armed with some scissors recently purchased from Sally Beauty Supply, a couple small combs, and a book on "How to cut men's hair" (she found that treasure on the free table in her apartment building), Cordelia surveyed the work she had ahead of her.

Angel sat on a chair seated in front of her bathroom sink, covered in one of Cordelia's pink bathrobes.

"Angel, are you sure you want to to do this? Really, I think your hair looks fine." She fluffed it a bit. "Too much product, maybe, but -

Angel cut her off.

"Just take a bit off the top. I don't like that...fluffy thing it does. "

"Okay...but if I mess asked for it."

Taking a deep breath, feeling courageous, and focused on the task at hand, Cordelia intently studied the top of Angel's head. After gathering a ringlet of hair, she gingery snipped a small amount off. Angel hissed, his hand darting up to pat his head.

"Easy there! Don't make a mistake. Vampires hair doesn't grow as fast as humans -
I don't want to go weeks with crooked hair, you know. Doesn't vibe with my Dark Avenger persona."

Cordelia smiled. She knew he was kidding. "Angel, it couldn't look any worse than it does now even if I tried," She laughed, giving him a reassuring smie, and without thinking, looked up to meet his eyes - but all she was met with was the empty glass of her bathroom mirror, reflecting her own refection.

"That always gets me." She muttered, chuckling awkwardly, looking down, busily collecting another lock of his hair.

"What?" Angel asked, turning to face her. "Did you mess up"? She smiled haltingly.

"No. Turn around. Let's do this. I have a date in an hour, and I don't want to be here all day listening to you yammer on about your hair, Angel. It's coming off."

drabbles, fic, ats, angel, cordelia, cangel

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