I'd like to open up
tranquil-ity's great questions for discussion, originally posted on
The Buffy Boards.
1. In the Girl in Question Andrew told Spike (and Angel) to "move on and you might catch her one day" Do you think this was good advice? Are we seeing Spike do that now? What are the implications for the future?
2. Did your support of Spike/Buffy waver at any point in the series (TV or comics)?
3. Prior to Season 6, do you think there was a believable time at which Buffy and Spike could have started a relationship without Buffy dying/getting resurrected and everything else that followed?
4. What do you think was Buffy's biggest "green-eyed" moment, where Spike is concerned? Spike's, where Buffy is concerned?
5. Do you think Buffy and Spike have a residual kinky streak, post-Season 6, or was that specific to the circumstances?
Ready, set, discuss!