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Comments 12

juice817 September 10 2012, 11:10:09 UTC
About the repost - I would say something. S/he's posted one of kelleigh's too. Someone did that to mistyzeo awhile ago, and she just PM'd them and said she was glad they enjoyed her story, but she would prefer they link to her fic and not repost it. This is the public post she wrote about it after.


joans23 September 10 2012, 11:32:33 UTC
That sounds like the way to go. Gonna PM her/him now. Thanks, Juice!


macbyrne September 10 2012, 11:15:01 UTC
I agree with Juice; you should definitely say something. She appears to be a newbie, and maybe isn't aware of the etiquette when it comes to fic/fic-sharing/reposting/reccing, etc. Just a friendly head's up with the request should be sufficient.


joans23 September 10 2012, 11:33:01 UTC
Cool, I can do that! Thanks, dear!


galwithglasses September 10 2012, 15:54:18 UTC
Just proud of you. Best wishes.


joans23 September 11 2012, 12:58:41 UTC
Thank you, dear heart! <3!


aerynsun5 September 11 2012, 00:37:12 UTC
12 days! I'm so happy for you. You're gonna post pictures, right?


joans23 September 11 2012, 12:59:35 UTC
Of course! That's the best part - getting to drive all of you crazy with the pictures afterwards! Heeheheh! <3


quiet_rebel September 11 2012, 02:58:56 UTC
YAY!!! So happy for you!


joans23 September 11 2012, 13:00:14 UTC
YAY!!!! And in case I forget, good luck on your trip!!!! <333


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