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Comments 6

brin_bailey July 30 2012, 21:37:57 UTC
First I ran a PB on a 25km race on Saturday - broke the 3 hour mark!

DUDE! Congrats! That's huge :)

As for the ex-girlfriend chatting thing, I don't think you're being unreasonable, no. Some people are totally cool with their current dude/girl being friendly with their ex and some people aren't. I don't think either is right/wrong, it's just the way you feel. But I would probably come at it from the angle that the two of them continuing on a relationship (even if it's just a few jokes) makes you uncomfortable, so that way it doesn't seem like you're just being a crazy, jealous girlfriend.

(Although, with where I'm at right now, I'm probably the last person who should ever even think about giving relationship advice...)

Edit: I have no idea why LJ decided to choose, and then not let me change, my Alison Mack "yum" icon, so, um, enjoy some Chloe Sullivan tongue!porn? Heh.


joans23 August 2 2012, 13:57:27 UTC
I'm definitely one of those who aren't. I prefer to pretend she never even existed, or that her head exploded the moment I learned of her terrible existence. But I can fake sane with the best of them, so I'll try the (reasonably) calm approach and take it from there.

TONGUE!PORN FTW! Especially if it's from the lovely miss Sullivan. ;) In return, have some washer!porn! Heheheh!


brin_bailey August 3 2012, 04:44:43 UTC
Um. Yours is way closer to actual porn than mine is. So, thank you. ;) Oh, Patrick Wilson. Bless you for being naked in almost every movie you're in.

Yeah, definitely sit down and have a chat with the boy. If it's starting to make you crazy, he needs to know.


valiant July 31 2012, 16:54:25 UTC
Break-ins are the worst. That feeling of violation in that place you are supposed to be 100% safe. I've never gotten over it and it happened to me half a lifetime ago ( ... )


joans23 August 2 2012, 14:06:25 UTC
There have been further happenings since I posted so, yeah. Fuck that! At this point I don't care how unfair it is, but tonight I'm telling him how I feel and then we'll see how he deals with it. We were out on Sunday with my sister and I saw him being sneaky on his phone, but really didn't think anything of it. Only to learn that he was wishing her a happy birthday, complete with kissy faces and shit. He can barely remember mine! So yeah, tonight shit is going down.

When I saw that message, I can't tell you what happened to my insides. It felt like a truck hit me. I do not want to feel that way again, I do not like it. At all. It's more than discomfort now, it freaking hurts! Is it pointless jealousy? Yeah, probably, but I don't like how he's keeping it secret that he's still got some kind of relationship with her. If it's because he knows I wouldn't like it, then why is he doing it? Nope, someone's got some explaining to do, and that's that.



valiant August 2 2012, 21:08:03 UTC
If he's keeping it a secret, even if it's nothing, it still hurts and isn't right. I hope you can get everything straightened out with him! <3


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