Because I will forget if I don't do it - my Star Trek reaction post.

Nov 22, 2009 19:31

It's just a play by play running commentary.

There is mention of RPF and I think I know some of these things now (though I still don't know who the bald Captain is). And Joe is Joe Quinto, Zach's brother, a photographer and a stuntman who also was one of the many Romulans. I don't think I put last names terribly often... so there may be Chris confusion lol.

Bald captain.

The guy at the console looks like Chris Pine. I know he isn't. It's not the other Chris either.

And there is the other Chris.

Creepy message. I hate creepy messages in Trek. They are never good news.

The hole thing reminds me of the DS9 Wormhole with spidery tentacles. This gives me very weird ideas. Not that I would ever write such a thing.

Aww bald captain giving command over to George. Awww. He knows. So does George.

I need to learn bald captain's name, he rocks even in one scene. Character, not actor. Both really would be nice :)

Well my heart rate would be elevated if I was walking into clear and present danger. Of course, this is presuming I would ever be on a starship. Given my usual reaction to flying? Probably not ;)

I wonder if the Romulan with the gun behind bald captain is Joe? Will I be wondering that about every non speaking Romulan who looks kind of big? Likely, yes.

Nero's SpokesRomulan has a sexy voice.

Awww. poor bald captain. I knew it would happen and yet... *sniffs*

Sighs Chris Hemsworth is amazing. That is all.

Still want to know who cute console guy is too.

Poor Winona! What a time to be having a baby.

Oh god, the look on George's face. He knows.

Damn. Don't ever let anyone tell me Jennifer Morrison or Chris Hemsworth can't act. They had chemistry over the bloody comm link!

*cries a bit* I don't care how cliche it is. His saying "I love you" and... then. Argh. That will always get me.

This looked awfully like a first child, but as I remember it's never confirmed that Jim has a brother in the movie. Still...

Completely amazing pre-credits sequence. Wow.

Rebellious Jim is sort of cute.

Love the car.

Love that the hitchhiker is supposed to be Sam.

Awww, all the cute baby Vulcans. I want one!

Awww, Spock!

Hmf. If someone called my mother that, I would push them too!

Oh GUH Sarek. I love Sarek. Ben Cross is so challenging the wonderful Mark Lenard.

Logical. Hmf. He loves Amanda.

Zach! :D

Though I swear if we didn't know Winona was playing Amanda... that's a very affectionate look ;)

Wonder who the old gray-haired Vulcan is (actor, not character). He looks slightly familiar.

Oh but the way he said "Live long and prosper" - lol. He conveyed "Piss off!" incredibly well ;)

And Zach still has that five o'clock shadow. Guh.


Huh, Cardassia's at least known at this point. It's so confusing when they retro things like that lol. I thought they'd have had Bajor occupied. But maybe this was before or something...

And I wonder if that big alien is a homage to DS9's Morn. I liked Morn.

Also Jim is cute. Obnoxious but cute.

And I don't care what anyone says. She's flirting. Maybe not with intent but nevertheless.

LOL Jim does seem to land on his feet. Or with his hands in the right wrong place ;)

Poor Jim.

Yay! Captain Pike! :D

Chris looks too gorgeous all bloody.

Oh and Captain Pike just knew what to do to get Jim to join up didn't he?

LOL - Jim, keep an eye out (though don't I remember... no, I think it was Scotty did that in a movie, or it might've been Kirk but I'm nearly sure it was Scotty - he said "I know this ship like the back of my hand", and promptly hit his head like Jim did there.

And here's Bones lol...

He looks so fierce and yet vulnerable. LOL. Sounds like a romance novel.

*starts pondering Bones/Kirk*

Oh the tentacle-y thing was the Romulan Ship. I see.

Love Jim & Bones in the cadet uniforms.

Wow. Gaila is sexy.

Any woman, hearing those words after she says "I love you" would totally go, "hey, what's going on here?"

Oh and yeah, Chris is very hot in just his underwear.

*giggle* Mouth breather.

"You can hear me breathing?" LOL!

*starts pondering Uhura/Gaila*

And Jim beats the Kobayashi Maru - much to Pike's (and Spock's, no matter how well-hidden) surprise.

Of course Spock has to bring Jim up on charges. I do see why but... I still don't think it's cheating.

LOL! "Who was that point-eared bastard?" "I don't know, but I like him."

*starts pondering Bones/Spock*

Jim looks so upset when Bones leaves. I don't think it's all that he can't go.

Gaila is so pretty.

Uhura is upset. I know why, of course.

I do actually think Spock has a point re: favouritism. Maybe not a good point, but a point.

Bones infecting Jim. LOL.

The Enterprise. Historic moment! :)

Sulu! John looks so much younger than he does on Flash Forward. Like five years instead of two or three.

Poor Sulu *pets him*

Pretty blonde nurse - could be Chapel? I hear she's named but not shown.

Oh lordy Chekov's super adorable.

Poor Jim with the swollen hands.

But still he figures it all out.

Spock looks surprised and Not Happy At All.

And Jim is very bright *nods*

I love that he only got to hear about the Klingons because he was fucking Gaila (but, really, who wouldn't? Yes, I have a crush).

LOL! "Hi, Christopher, I'm Nero." I... am oddly amused by Nero.

Pike knows he's heading into a bad situation. Reminds me of George a lot. And I bet Jim's wondering if this is how his mother felt.

*starts pondering Pike/Jim*

Olsen was an idiot for not pulling his chute in time.

Sulu and his sword, yay!

It's so wrong of me to want Joe to be the one who's beating Chris up isn't it?

Sulu saving Jim's life, awwwww.

Oh shit, the red matter sounds like Bad News.

Oh holy hell the chute breaking.

I swear if they don't land in the transporter room without someone saying they were told not to move, I will... be far less amused than if they do.

Yay Chekov!

*starts pondering Kirk/Sulu and Sulu/Chekov*

Oh poor Spock!

Still holding out his hand as he's transported.

Poor Sarek too.

And Chekov.

*has very wicked idea about Chekov bonding himself to Sarek as penance*

Eee-yipes. That's a destroyed planet all right.

The kiss was all right. Fitted the moment.

Well Nero's insane. Not that I'm surprised or anything.

No wonder Pike ends up paralysed with that thing eating his brain. Ew.

Spock telling Jim to get out of the chair *g*

And he only took him down with the Vulcan Nerve Pinch of course.

And then he strands poor Jim on an icy, snowy planet!

Oddly enough Jim Is Not Happy.

Eww I do not like that creature.

Urgh the Big Red Bug is worse.

I was so sure something would come up from under the ice and attack Jim. Am glad it didn't.

Ooops. Tentacles. Ick.

Yay! I will lay bets this has to be Spock Prime who saves Jim.

Shockingly yes, it is.

Leonard looks good for his age.

I love the "I am Spock," "Bullshit," exchange.

Mind meld! :) I love mind melds.

Romulus didn't have as pretty an effect as Vulcan to destroy it. Yes I think Vulcan's destruction was pretty. Or at least the effect was.

Poor Spock.

(I say poor x a lot)

Jim figuring out that Vulcans feel. Yay.

Awwww. Jim asking about his father. Awwwww.

That he lived to see Jim become the Enterprise captain. Awwww.

Spock and Bones yay.

"Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" I love it.

OMG that conversation about stallions could have a few layers ;)

"Green-blooded hobgoblin," LOL.

And yay, Sarek again. God he's. Guh.

Who will be at the outpost I wonder?

Oh it's Scotty! Simon Pegg does a pretty good Scottish accent.

Montgomery Scott indeed.

Admiral Archer's beagle? LOL.

Scotty wanting to know if they still have sandwiches, lol.

Oh dear, Scotty talking about the Enterprise's ample nacelles... um.... I always knew he had a thing for her ;)

Transwarp beaming. Spock cheating a little too.

I wonder what Spock Prime's destiny is? I hope we get to see more of him...

He certainly must be emotionally compromised.

Jim figuring out Spock was cheating. "A trick I learned from an old friend," indeed.

I could so see Spock Prime/Jim. Or Leonard/Chris for that matter. Sort of hot.

Uh oh, Scotty in the pipes. Oh dear! I'm sure Jim will get him out.

I hope Jim will get him out, those blades look lethal! It's Scotty, he has to survive.

And he does. Wet, but alive and not sliced up. That's all right!

Oh dear, Cupcake. That could be iffy.

Jim's totally baiting Spock.

Oh I like Scotty's answer about taking sides :)

Jim's really baiting Spock. Must insert joke about Jim being a "master baiter". I know it's terrible.

Fuck Jim's eyes are gorgeous.

A fight scene and a half!

I can sort of see Kirk/Spock chemistry but I like Kirk/Bones better really.

Sarek thank god.

The make up can't hide Zach's stubble.

Scotty's "I like this ship, it's exciting!" is so true.

I'm glad Jim hopes he knows what he's doing.

Sarek always makes me so damned happy when I see him. I really like him.

*ponders Sarek/Winona in the future*

Awww. "I married her because I loved her." Awwwww. I love it.

It's official. I love Zach's Spock.

"We are gettin' to know each other." LOL.

Jim clicking as he sees Spock and Uhura and then the kiss (which I like better than the turbolift one - I see more chemistry there).

Spock Not Commenting. Hee.

Why do I get the feeling there is no common sense in the design of the enemy ship?

Because there is none.

Oooh I wonder if the Romulan with the muscular arms is Joe? Yes, I am wondering it about every Romulan who doesn't speak.

Or the one Spock is mind melding with?

Spock and the ship, awww.

Spock calling Jim Jim! Yay!

And "please tell Lieutenant Uhura..." awwwww.

Oh dear, I don't think that was the best thing for Nero to say.

Yay, Spock destroyed the drill.

Nero's just slightly OTT.

Jim killing the Romulan, yay.

Spock sending the ship into the Romulan ship.

Oh the Enterprise (yes, I had forgotten!)

Yay Pike! Shooting the Romulan.

Jim just following orders, lol.

Yay they got them back!

Yay Scotty!

Don't think it would do much good to hail the Romulan ship at this point...

Love the Kirk and Spock talk.

And love the "you got it" from Jim.

Nero has amazing eyelashes (yes, I notice weird things).

That was a close call, but they made it :)

Spock Prime! Yay!

Spock Prime friendship matchmaking - awwww.

That really was a lovely scene.

Yay Jim as captain.

And relieving Pike. Awww.

Yay. His father would so be proud.

I'm in love with Spock Prime. Which, really, is my default anyway. But really. I adore him.

Jim coming on board.

LOL - "Bones, buckle up."

Oh, yay, the little alien came with them!

And Spock as first officer as it should be :)

Leonard doing the voiceover at the end - again, as it should be :)

And as much as I know it's PC - I'm glad they went with where no one has gone before and not where no man has gone before.

So yes.

Reading credits. Jason Brooks was the Romulan with the sexy voice! Why did nobody tell me Jason Brooks was in the movie? He is so gorgeous! Of course he's not that well known but still... And don't I know the name Paul McGillion from somewhere too? It's terribly familiar. I'm not sure which admiral he was.

Oh and yay, Joe's name in the credits. :)

In short:

I loved it! It has everything I loved about the original, and TNG and DS9 and Voyager. Wonderful characters, played by wonderful actors and lots and lots of possible ships and writing. I'm hooked.

Now to go sift through lots of fic, lol.

star trek, star trek movie, jason brooks, zachary quinto

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