Not the ficathon - that's (hopefully) done and everyone's uploaded. For those who don't know While We Tell Of Yuletide Treasure (
yuletide) is an annual ficathon for small/rare fandoms. It's amazing and fabulous and I participate in it every year, no matter how much scheduling I have to flip around to write for it. You can find the link to the archive on the yuletide community. I've written some of my favourites of my own stories for this ficathon.
Because my net access is a little sporadic I'm posting this early.
If you guess (before the author reveal) which of two stories in the archive is mine, I will write you (at least) a comment-sized ficlet with the fandom, pairing and prompt of your choice (of things I can write of course but you can ask for anything you know I can write).
If you guess both of my stories I will write a story of at least 1000 words for you with the fandom, pairing and prompt of your choice (same conditions as above).
Comments are screened - if you get it right I'll let you know so you can make your request, re-screening comments until after the author reveal.
Your one clue - I don't think the two fandoms the stories are in could possibly be more different.