1. My username is _____ because ____.
My username is
joanne_c because my name is Joanne and my last name starts with C. Yes it's that simple. I first got onto LJ when I got online at home (or not very long after) and my email at the time was Joannec@myserviceprovider and I just figured it was easier to use the same name again, cause even then I knew I'd never get just Joanne as a username.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
My journal is titled "You People And Your Quaint Little Categories" because Captain Jack Harkness owns my heart because I actually got a banner for my LJ with my favourite Doctor Who threesome (Nine/Rose/Jack) and decided to change the journal to reflect that. And I think that line is the single best line I've ever heard on a TV show. It is a Torchwood line, not a Who line, but it is that good, IMO.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
My subtitle is "A Little More Flexible When It Comes To Dancing" because that is a slight paraphrase of a line said by the Ninth Doctor. And ties back to the Who theme. Plus it's a really good line. One of my favourites of Nine's.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
My friends page is called "I Am The Bad Wolf' because it was the only line of Rose's that really made a huge impression on me in the season with Nine, enough to recall it offhand when working on the changing of the titles. There are a lot more lines I liked and remembered, but I needed one that could stand alone, so that's the one I ended up with.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
My default userpic is of John Barrowman in rehearsals for "Anything Goes" and was made for me a couple of Christmases ago as a gift from the wonderful