I feel ill

Jun 02, 2009 22:26

I just read a post on one of my message boards (one with a quite secular bent), lamenting George Tiller as a hero, and saying that he "gave his life" to provide women with health care.

Um, no. George Tiller was a beloved child of God. He did not deserve to be murdered.

But he was not a hero. The man, and his employees (under his supervision), killed perfectly healthy, viable babies in a woman's third trimester of pregnancy (28+ weeks), often citing "temporary depression of the mother" as a cause.

He's responsible for the death of Cristin Gilbert, among other deaths.

Let me reiterate that Tiller's murder was wholly unjustified. I hope the murderer is punished to the full extent of the law. I've prayed for Tiller's soul and for his family.

But this man was NOT a hero, or a martyr. He was a man who committed monstrous deeds and got rich doing it. His death is tragic, but his actions in life were even more so.

As a Catholic blogger, Mark Shea, said, "He was a monster who justified what he did by the good ends he claimed he was aiming for. In that, he was a kindred spirit with the person who murdered him."

Anyone who thinks Tiller was a hero should read this:

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