what is wrong with people?

Apr 24, 2009 21:55

I've been reading a blog lately about a baby girl named Faith Hope.

Faith was diagnosed with anencephaly at 19 weeks gestation. Her mother, Myah, decided to carry her to term and just love her as long as she could. Babies with anencephaly typically don't survive more than a few days, if that, but so far Faith has lived an incredible NINE WEEKS!

Anyway, the last few days Myah has been writing about the hate mail she's received. People have been saying horrible things, such as that this baby girl should be raped and shot.

Seriously -- and excuse my language here -- but WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with people? Aren't pro-choice people allegedly for CHOICE? Myah made the CHOICE to continue her pregnancy, and she's caring for her baby girl to the best of her ability. Shouldn't pro-choicers be celebrating that CHOICE as much as they celebrate the choice of abortion, if they really are for CHOICE? It just serves to reaffirm my position that pro-choice is a contradiction in terms. I've yet to see a pro-choicer who actually supported true choice as opposed to abortion. (And, of course, no pro-choicers as far as I know support the BABY'S choice.)

Apparently, though, according to some whackaloons on the Internet, because Faith isn't a perfect baby, she deserves to be tortured and die horribly. What the hell has a tiny, sweet baby done to garner so much hatred?

Actually, that question is rather rhetorical, because I know. She is living proof that disability doesn't equal worthlessness. She is living proof that babies with disabilities are just as lovable and capable of bringing joy as those that are healthy, which flies in the face of all the lies that the pro-abortion camp has been spewing for the past 40 years.

My prayers continue to go with both Myah and Faith. They're two rare souls in this world of shallow, selfish narcissism.
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