My babies

Apr 22, 2006 22:17

I never update but I am going to now and its going to be about my favorite subject- My kids.

Ryan has been doing some of the funniest things lately and his dad has been gone (as always) so he misses it all. Here's a rundown.

-I caught him putting an entire container of hairgel on his head and when I caught him he just sat there with a big glob of gel running down his face. Priceless

-I was putting pajamas on him the other night and I couldn't get his foot into the footie part of the pjs so I reach in there and realize I had washed something inside the feet. Turns out it was a clump of about 15 Q-tips. (Ryan likes to store things in his clothing)

-I was paying bills online and he just came up to me and says "Mama, I wanna hold you." I love how he says this and I sometimes sit on his lap and tell him to hold me and he looks at me like I'm crazy.

-I was in the kitchen washing dishes and there was music playing because I always play music throughout the house when I clean. Ryan walked up to me and asks me to dance. I don't know how long we just danced in that kitchen but it was the best dance I've ever had.

-Ryan fed me popcorn in bed the other night and kept tilting his head saying "Isat good, momma?" I love when he force feeds me.

Well there's a lot more funny stuff but I just can't remember it all. I've been trying to record him a lot more lately because I feel like I'm already forgetting the way he words things and the sweet things he does. He's been sleeping in my bed with me every night and I'm kind of sad that Daniel comes home next week because I enjoy the time we get to spend together when we are laying in bed eating popcorn and watching Nick at Nite. I can't say enough how thankful I am that I have him to remind me to stop and breathe and enjoy life. Oh and I can't forget my little runt Jordan.

I took Jordan to the doctor the other day and they tell me that he is too small. I feel so bad but I feel like I feed him all day long and he just pushes it away half of the time and the kid sleeps all throught the night for me. He is just a little runt though. He's super tiny and all the other babies that were born after him are already twice his size. I like him staying so little though, he's so cute. I don't think he is going to learn how to crawl. He has developed his own method of transport. I put him on a blanket the other day to play and I went into the kitchen and when I came back out I couldn't find him. He had rolled into the dining room. He rolls everywhere. Its very entertaining. You would be entertained if you saw it.

Okay that is all about my wonderful, amazing, beautiful babies for now. Ryan is sleeping on the couch next to me. I guess I have to watch the Cosby Show by myself tonight.
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