you have any salient point to your vitriolic dribble aside from speaking "on behalf of the community" in order to seem more important that you really are?
Popularity wank posts are against the AUP, and so I am enforcing it by telling her where raygirl went wrong. You were being twice just as obnoxious in your replies as you accuse me of when expressing your concern and disagreement. In fact, I have an archetype just for you right here. Your attitude breaks the AUP as well, and you received a warning for that.
We -have- tried that, remember? Letting the members post what they want using any old retarded excuses they want. What do you find? Most of those new members who try to use the community as their personal BAWW box are just as bad, if not worse than those they snarked. Some of the old dasnark gang had in fact quit or stopped getting involved because it had flooded their flist so much posts with so little content or quality that they had to scroll back a few pages just to see a post from a friend or a post of worth.
Also, by saying your piece as a representative the entire community, you are insinuating that the few valuable posters who have been making quality posts and appreciate the change in policy does not matter. I am sure that is quite insulting. When I see the bulk of complainers everytime I make a decision, make a post, or give a warning or a negative review, I wonder "Where the FUCK do they come from?" If you can't take the heat, what the fuck are you doing on da snark?
Tell ya what, go shit up art_snark. Fuck you, good day.
I'm not speaking on behalf of the community. I'm telling you that you assume your opinion is the right one. If you can't take people telling you that you're doing a poor job or listen to others trying to tell you how to improve, then it's fairly obvious that you aren't competent to be a mod. Sorry that you hate me, but allot more people on DA_snark hate you than they hate me.
And being that I'm trying to rub in my point, I am NOT a representative of the community, I am NOT pretending to be. WHAT I AM saying is that the COMMUNITY is the one who DECIDES what they like and dislike. Try READING my comments, or do you just skim them and then assume what you thought you read was what I said?
And if you think a post is TRULY awful then you should post something more constructive then:
This post fails. The link is snarkable, but unless you want to come off as an envious whiny faggot, leave the "OMG ITS POPULAR!11" wank out of it.
Using such language and negative connotations only makes you look like a bitch.
Try something more thought out and caring such as:
The post you have made is definitely snark material, but could you please change your description to something more broad and less personal. Aside from that, I enjoyed the snark.
I am more inclined to listen to people who actually know what they are talking about instead of some self-important whiny faggots who think they matter.
Picking on the WAY I deliver my message instead of what I am actually saying is weak and pathetic, and it only serves to make you look like a hypocrite since YOU decided to be a conniving little shit on a community I am in charge of.
The way you deliver your message, IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT YOU SAY. And you're not in charge of the community. You're just an appointed person who has limited power. And you're supposed to treat others with respect, but obviously that's too hard for you to do.
I'm sure you'll need help getting that shit out of your ass considering there's so much of it. I suppose I should start puckering up.
And how am I a hypocrite? Explain in great detail and convince me, please do. Or are you going to pump more standard internet comebacks at me?
These are the following that you may use:
Hypocrite <-- You already used this one Cry to your mommy Grow up Fuck off <-- You already used this one Go be emo Die Fuck you have a nice day :) <-- You already used this one Suck my <-- You already used this one
Boy, it sure is good being a conniving little shit. Why not a big one? Guess I haven't obtained that high standard yet.
Oh stop crying. Grow some fucking balls, man. I treat with respect those who deserve it. Make a stupid post on DA_Snark, expect to be ridiculed. It's been clearly stated that if you can't take the heat in the community, it's best to GTFO. Apparently you haven't gotten the message.
You're just obviously butthurt over all this, and I suggest you take it elsewhere because you have just lost your feedback privilledges in here. Go crawl back to your abortion bin.
Your first post half is hypocrisy out and out, and you need to read it over and over until you see that.
And the second half? What the hell? More 'caring' posts? Hiding what you truly think behind fruity english doesn't do shit, it makes you look passive aggressive and it's a bad habit to get into.
Popularity wank posts are against the AUP, and so I am enforcing it by telling her where raygirl went wrong. You were being twice just as obnoxious in your replies as you accuse me of when expressing your concern and disagreement. In fact, I have an archetype just for you right here. Your attitude breaks the AUP as well, and you received a warning for that.
We -have- tried that, remember? Letting the members post what they want using any old retarded excuses they want. What do you find? Most of those new members who try to use the community as their personal BAWW box are just as bad, if not worse than those they snarked. Some of the old dasnark gang had in fact quit or stopped getting involved because it had flooded their flist so much posts with so little content or quality that they had to scroll back a few pages just to see a post from a friend or a post of worth.
Also, by saying your piece as a representative the entire community, you are insinuating that the few valuable posters who have been making quality posts and appreciate the change in policy does not matter. I am sure that is quite insulting. When I see the bulk of complainers everytime I make a decision, make a post, or give a warning or a negative review, I wonder "Where the FUCK do they come from?" If you can't take the heat, what the fuck are you doing on da snark?
Tell ya what, go shit up art_snark. Fuck you, good day.
And being that I'm trying to rub in my point, I am NOT a representative of the community, I am NOT pretending to be. WHAT I AM saying is that the COMMUNITY is the one who DECIDES what they like and dislike. Try READING my comments, or do you just skim them and then assume what you thought you read was what I said?
And if you think a post is TRULY awful then you should post something more constructive then:
This post fails. The link is snarkable, but unless you want to come off as an envious whiny faggot, leave the "OMG ITS POPULAR!11" wank out of it.
Using such language and negative connotations only makes you look like a bitch.
Try something more thought out and caring such as:
The post you have made is definitely snark material, but could you please change your description to something more broad and less personal. Aside from that, I enjoyed the snark.
Just an idea.
More feedback.
Picking on the WAY I deliver my message instead of what I am actually saying is weak and pathetic, and it only serves to make you look like a hypocrite since YOU decided to be a conniving little shit on a community I am in charge of.
Suck the shit out of my ass.
I'm sure you'll need help getting that shit out of your ass considering there's so much of it. I suppose I should start puckering up.
And how am I a hypocrite? Explain in great detail and convince me, please do. Or are you going to pump more standard internet comebacks at me?
These are the following that you may use:
Hypocrite <-- You already used this one
Cry to your mommy
Grow up
Fuck off <-- You already used this one
Go be emo
Fuck you have a nice day :) <-- You already used this one
Suck my <-- You already used this one
Boy, it sure is good being a conniving little shit. Why not a big one? Guess I haven't obtained that high standard yet.
You're just obviously butthurt over all this, and I suggest you take it elsewhere because you have just lost your feedback privilledges in here. Go crawl back to your abortion bin.
And the second half? What the hell? More 'caring' posts? Hiding what you truly think behind fruity english doesn't do shit, it makes you look passive aggressive and it's a bad habit to get into.
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