It's been a while since I did any solitary magic. Prayer, yes. Thanks to my goddess, appeals to various deities and spirits for help with this or that, yes. A little energy work on myself, yes. But this morning I got a request, sent out from our high priest to all members of our little pagan church:
“Dear Folks in Asphodel:
A number of spirit-workers I know have received similar messages. The next three days will be a serious turning point. Fires need to be lit by as many people as possible at least once during the next three days - a candle will do fine if you're in a small space! The intent with which you light it should be sending a message out to all people: The Gods Help Those Who Help Each Other!
I'll be lighting candles daily for the next three days plus I'll be lighting a fire in the back field at least once. I know we can't come together, but this is something that any of us can do. It will only take a few minutes. If you want to be fancy, you can post a pic of you and the candle with a caption that reads that line, perhaps on your FB or the kingdom FB or this list or your blog or wherever. And feel free to pass this around to anyone you think might be interested.
Blessings to you all, and may you all stay safe,
-Raven Kaldera
Now, being on the road, I didn't have the necessary materials handy. But a run to the dollar store got me a pack of birthday candles and a lighter. A jar pulled from recycling and filled with dirt (¾ full for safety) makes a perfectly adequate candle holder. So here I am, just after I did this tiny rite. I said the words nine times because that seemed right.
Let the whole world know: The Gods Help Those Who Help Each Other!