wow yesterday i was pissed off now i am happy... recently my dad has been buying stuff from bench i was so pissed off cause everytime we buy they ran out of stock of jerry calendar... and i mean we pay a lot and do not get something out... but thankfully they gave me many jerry pocket calendars and paper bags hehe.... i am still collecting jerry bench collection since now they are trying to release more colors... but actually different styles... i was able to watch the jerry event before but only got one shirt i gave the shirt awy cause i went to bangkok.... and luckily my friends liked it :)
anyways... recently i got myself a pink bench shirt... its so cute and simple... and today we went to superbench at market market and i have to say this is my favorite bench store its super big hehe... and now i bought a super bench shirt... ahahah and my dad said it looked good :)
haha i am officially a bench baby hehe... and looking forward to more bench shirts this xmas... from friends... etc
haha paging
an6elzhou do not forget the lovers in paris vcd... on sat i wud b waiting for it i am not watching it on tv already... hehe cos i know il get a copy....