Картинки, що сподобалися чи зачепили останнім часом

Jul 05, 2015 18:36

NB Натиснення на картинку веде на першоджерело. Що сподобалося, те й увійшло. Порядок фото у пості - випадковий і нічим не обумовлений. Підписи під картинками - з відповідного джерела. Історичні фото Центрально-Східної Європи шукайте на Фейсбуці.


02. Thor Heyerdahl on board of the Kon-Tiki raft, in 1947

03. Princess Elizabeth inspects a guard of honour by the Women’s Royal Army Corps at the Royal Agricultural Society’s show in Shrewsbury, England, 6 July 1949

04. A kingfisher eats a fish, caught in a small lake in Mala Subotica, Croatia. The brightly coloured bird was photographed by Petar Sabol who visited the lake in northern Croatia numerous times over the course of two weeks, patiently waiting for the opportunity to capture the perfect shot of the birds and their prey.

05. Visitors at The Louvre ,1923

06. A despatch rider in the Women’s Royal Air Force (WRAF) enjoying a tea break while seated on her Phelon & Moore 500cc single cylinder motorcycle circa 1918


08. War veteran of the “Arditi” shock troopers watching a parade

09. Women's archery at the summer Olympic Games (London, England - 1908)

10. Canadian lynx cleaning time by Eric Kilby

11. A group portrait men of the Long Range Desert Group from ‘Y’ Patrol returning to Kufra after a successful raiding sortie/Libya 1942

12. Jean-Philippe Charbonnier. Girl and Cat, Roubaix, France, 1958-59

13. British Humor, 1940

14. ‘Target Practice’ by Tom Lovell


16. Французский танкист в каске Адриана модели 1918 года и стальной маске с очками-жалюзи и подвесной кольчужной «бородой». Западный фронт, 1918 год.

17. Лучшие декорации для ГавНьюс


19. Traffic policeman, Sydney, 1969

20. Бабуся перемальовує узор для вишиванки.


22. People watch San Francisco burn after the great earthquake of 1906

23. The Cat and the Moon by Checanty

24. Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Charles and Princess Anne at an event in the 1950s

25. Eric Wookey, of the Gloucester Regiment, wearing an early gas mask and holding a pint outisde his billet/1916

26. {Barn Owls in The Oak} by {Mike Rae}

27. Crew of the Caproni 03, heavy bomber of the Italian Air Force during WWI


29. Blue Horse. Sioux. 1908. Photo by J.A. Johnson.

30. Olivier Baussan Distilling Lavender

31. Winston Churchill (2nd from right, back row) with the 4th Hussars in India in 1899

32. Elephants walking through a rain forest.

33. This is Anna “Vesse” Dahl. She’s a self-educated Norwegian adventurer and made contributions to nuclear physics.


Дякую усім, хто дякує, і прошу вибачити, якщо не відповім персонально (бракує часу)
Спасибо всем, кто благодарит, и прошу прощения, если не отвечу персонально (не хватает времени)

art, фото

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