Картинки, що сподобалися чи зачепили останнім часом

Dec 12, 2014 13:04

NB Натиснення на картинку веде на першоджерело. Що сподобалося, те й увійшло. Порядок фото у пості - випадковий і нічим не обумовлений. Підписи під картинками - з відповідного джерела. Історичні фото Центрально-Східної Європи шукайте на Фейсбуці.


02. the Swans Walk, Antwerp, Belgium, 1949. Photo: Aart Klein


05. Hypostasis, Jeremy Geddes


07. Flight attendant, Air India Circa 1946

08. Manchester United vs Arsenal 1926

09. Syria, 1956. Photo by Frank and Helen Schreider

10. The drum major for the University of Michigan marching band high-steps as children follow suit, 1950 - Alfred Eisenstaedt

11. Edouard Boubat - Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, France, 1948






17. Yuletide mummers ‘Stamp’ postcard from 1981. The artist is Fritz Wegner

18. Nicholas and Krampus in children in Kirchseeon (1954) Photo: E. Groth Schmachtenberger

19. A baby panda practises its morning stretches. The fluffy little panda, known as Fu Bao, often sleeps for hours at a time at its home in Vienna Zoo and is rarely active. Picture: Josef Gelernter/Caters

20. Stockholm, 1956 (Edouard Boubat)

21. The vision of Napoleon, W. Kossak

22. Swiss actress Ursula Andress on the cover of the Spain’s Triunfo magazine

23. Arrow Maker. Early 1900s. Photo by Richard Throssel.



26. Im Märchenland, illustration by Brünhild Schlötter.


28. Zinaida Serebriakova - Girl with a Candle, 1911


30. PFC Richie sniffs at the delicate perfume of his girlfriend in Jay, Oklahoma, as he opens her letter in Vietnam, April 12, 1966

31. Russian Security forces battle militants in Chechnya


33. Italian aviators: 26^ squadriglia, campo di San Pietro in Gù


35. Julius Garibaldi Melchers - Mother and Child, 1904

36. Rhodesian rifleman on a horse


38. (c) Віктор Бакс-Недоступ

39. Ufeyn Fakhreev, a 91 year-old Crimean Tatar, has lived through Lenin, Stalin, World War II, forced exile, and the Soviet collapse.

Кирха. Село Синяк (Мукачевский р-н), расположенное в живописной долине воронкообразной котловины на высоте 450 м над у.м. в предгорье вулканического хребта Карпат.


42. The Gold Painted Stripper, Los Angeles, 1950

43. Apollo 14 training photo shows Al Shepard and Ed Mitchell practising the collection of a football-sized rock sample. Note, also, the Florida native in the foreground

44. Israel - I.D.F

45. Romano Mussolini playing the piano with his wife Maria Scicolone (Sophia Loren’s old sister)

46. Emperor Hirohito at Hiroshima, December 7th, 1947

47. Ernest Hemingway poses with a Cape Buffalo he shot in 1953.

48. Crowd listens outside radio shop at Greenwich and Dey Sts. for news on President Kennedy. November 22nd 1963.


50. Nadeshda Brennicke in Banklady, 2013

51. Yemeni police gather at the damaged residence of the Iranian ambassador after a massive car bomb attack in Sanaa.


53. This is Margaret Hamilton, NASA lead software engineer, and this is the Apollo guidance program she wrote


55. Фортунино Матанья (1881-1963). Шотландский полк в селе Лоос спасает молодую французскую девушку

56. The world's first Israeli army women calendar

57. US anti-communist poster for the Philippines, 1951

58. "Merlin" Nestor Redondo 1978

59. "Phantom Roman Soldiers" Andrew Howat 1980

60. Jacek Malczewski (Polish, 1854-1929) “Śmierć” [Death], 1902.

61. War with the Islamic State - Kurdish fighter


63. Beautiful hippie girl selling flowers, 1972

Дякую усім, хто дякує, і прошу вибачити, якщо не відповім персонально (бракує часу)
Спасибо всем, кто благодарит, и прошу прощения, если не отвечу персонально (не хватает времени)

art, мої рекомендації, фото

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