Е-книги, знайдені останнім часом

Apr 04, 2014 13:59

Історія та культура України

1. Украинский национализм. Факты и исследования
2. Украинское национальное движение и украинизация на Кубани в 1917-1932 гг.
3. Мазепинці: Український сепаратизм на початку XVIII ст.
4. Україна в міжнародних відносинах. Енциклопедичний словник-довідник. - Випуск 4. Предметно-тематична частина: П-Я
5. Партійно-радянське керівництво УСРР під час голодомору 1932-1933 pp.: Вожді. Працівники. Активісти. Збірник документів та матеріалів
6. Українські монастирські літописи, житія, повчання ченцям
7. Джерела альтернативного українознавства (Європа, 1940-1945 pp.): бібліографічний довідник
8. Одесса, 1920-1965. Люди… События… Факты…
9. Одесса, 1900-1920. Люди… События… Факты…
10. Джерела. Мистецтво Київської Русі
11. Eyewitness in the Crimea
12. Руська (Волинська) метрика. Книга за 1652-1673 pp.
13. Война. Трагедия и бессмертие
14. З ким i проти кого воювали українськi нацiоналiсти в роки Другої свiтової війни
15. The History of Ukraine
16. Крисаченко В. Історія Криму. Кримське ханство
17. Украина - не Россия
18. Княжое право в древней Руси. Очерки по истории X-XII столетий
19. Філософія української ідеї та європейський контекст: Франківський період
20. Права, по которым судится малороссийский народ
21. Другий Всеукраїнський Православний Церковний Собор УАПЦ 17-30 жовтня 1927 року
22. Волинські грамоти XVI ст.
23. Повернення отаманів Гайдамацького краю
24. Таврикiя, или Извѣстия древнѣйшiя и новѣйшiя о состоянiи Крыма, и его жителяхъ до нашихъ времянъ
25. Альбомъ всехъ лучшихъ видовъ Крыма
26. Романовы на южном берегу Крыма
27. Luciuk L., Kordan B. Anglo-American Perspectives on the Ukrainian Question 1938-1951: A Documentary Collection
28. Majstrenko I. Borotbism: A Chapter in the History of the Ukrainian Communism
29. Procyk A. Russian Nationalism and Ukraine
30. Luciuk L. Konowal
31. Жерела до історії України-Руси. Т. 6
32. Жерела до історії України-Руси. Т. 8
33. Военная история и военное дело Боспора Киммерийского (VI в. до н. э. - середина III в. н. э.)
34. Опыт истории Харьковского университета (по неизданным материалам)
35. Операція «Заповіт». Чекістська справа № 206
36. Військовий писар Андрій Семенович Товстик. Збірник документів
37. Украинские Карпаты. История
38. The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999
39. Українська діалектна лексика
40. Крым: прошлое и настоящее
41. Киево-Софийский собор. Исследование древней мозаической и фресковой живописи

Всесвітня історія

42. Raymond Murray, "State Violence in Northern Ireland 1969-1997"
43. Merchant Kings: When Companies Ruled the World, 1600-1900 by Stephen R. Bown
44. Голод в СССР. 1929-1934. - Т. 1: 1929 - июль 1932. - Кн. 1
45. Barnett R. Rubin, "Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror"
46. 50 Battles That Changed the World: The Conflicts That Most Influenced the Course of History by William Weir
47. Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present by Christopher I. Beckwith
48. Peter Demetz, "Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City"
49. Giles Milton, "Russian Roulette: A Deadly Game: How British Spies Thwarted Lenin's Global Plot"
50. ANZAC Memories - Living with the Legend
51. An ANZAC on the Western Front
52. Q Ship vs U-Boat: 1914-1918 (Osprey Duel 57)
53. David I. Kertzer, "The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe"
54. Eamonn Gearon, "The Sahara: A Cultural History"
55. Бунд. Документы и материалы. 1894-1921 гг.
56. Авиапромышленность СССР в 1921-1941 годах
57. William Sheehan, Maura Cronin, "Riotous Assemblies: Rebels, Riots & Revolts in Ireland"
58. Churchill and Empire - Portrait of an Imperialist
59. Churchill's Bomb - A Hidden History of Science, War and Politics
60. Gallipoli Air War - The Unknown Story of the Fight for the Skies over Gallipoli
61. Троянская Война. Миф и история
62. Technology and the American Way of War Since 1945 by Thomas Mahnken
63. The Complete History of Aviation: From Ballooning to Supersonic Flight (Transportation and Society) by Robert Curley
64. Советское военно-промышленное производство. Том II.
65. Лор Э. Русский национализм и Российская империя: Кампания против «вражеских подданных» в годы Первой мировой войны
66. British and Irish Emigrants and Exiles in Europe, 1603-1688
67. Memories of Revolution: Russian Women Remember
68. Peter H. Wilson, "Europe's Tragedy: A History of the Thirty Years War"
69. Simon Pirani - The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24: Soviet Workers and the New Communist Elite
70. Laurence Bergreen, "Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu"
71. Arthur Gould Lee, "No Parachute: A Classic Account of War in the Air in WWI"
72. Alan E. Steinweis, Robert D. Rachlin, "The Law in Nazi Germany"
73. James Dawes - The Language of War: Literature and Culture in the U.S. from the Civil War through World War II
74. Home Front 1914-1918 - How Britain Survived the Great War
75. Ernst Piper, "Alfred Rosenberg: Hitlers Chefideologe"
76. Мечи, шпаги и сабли: Настольная книга коллекционера
77. London 1917-1918: The Bomber Blitz (Osprey Campaign 227)
78. Like a Thunderbolt - The Lafayette Escadrille and the Advent of American Pursuit in World War I
79. Jon E. Lewis, "On the Front Line: True World War I Stories"
80. History of Britain & Ireland by DK
81. Ian Passingham, "All the Kaiser's Men: The Life and Death of the German Army on the Western Front 1914-1918"
82. Masters of Command: Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, and the Genius of Leadership by Barry Strauss
83. Water and American Government: The Reclamation Bureau, National Water Policy, and the West, 1902-1935

Друга світова війна

84. The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II, 3d edition
85. Magnificent Disaster: The Failure of Market Garden, The Arnhem Operation, September 1944 by David Bennett
86. Wes Davis, "The Ariadne Objective: The Underground War to Rescue Crete from the Nazis"
87. Chewing Gum, Candy Bars, and Beer: The Army Px in World War II
88. War Summits: The Meetings That Shaped World War II and the Postwar World By David J Stone
89. Masters and Commanders: How Four Titans Won the War in the West, 1941-1945 By Andrew Roberts
90. Code Talker: The First and Only Memoir By One of the Original Navajo Code Talkers of WWII
91. Surviving Hitler and Mussolini: Daily Life in Occupied Europe (Occupation in Europe) by Robert Gildea, Anette Warring and Olivier Wieviorka
92. Hitler's Legions: The German Army Order of Battle, World War II
93. Kamikazes, Corsairs, and Picket Ships Okinawa, 1945
94. Derreck Wright, Gordon L Rottman, "Hell in the Pacific: The Battle for Iwo Jima"
95. Mark Harris, "Five Came Back: A Story of Hollywood and the Second World War"
96. Roderick Bailey, "Forgotten Voices of D-Day: A Powerful New History of the Normandy Landings in the Words of Those Who Were There"
97. Kill Rommel!: Operation Flipper 1941 (Osprey Raid 43)
98. Richard Overy, "The Bombing War: Europe 1939-1945"
99. Frank Biess, ‎Robert G. Moeller - Histories of the Aftermath: The Legacies of the Second World War in Europe
100. Штрайт К. «Они нам не товарищи...» Вермахт и советские военнопленные в 1941-1945 гг.
101. Operation Neptune 1944: D-Day's Seaborne Armada (Osprey Campaign 268)
102. Richard Overy, "The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War Over Europe 1940-1945"
103. Kohima 1944: The Battle That Saved India (Osprey Campaign 229)
104. Maginot Line 1940: Battles on the French Frontier (Osprey Campaign 218)

Світова культура та соціум. Наука та технології

105. Charlotte Gray, "Reluctant Genius: Alexander Graham Bell and the Passion for Invention"
106. Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone: The Invention That Changed Communication
107. Tim Jeal, "Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer"
108. The Calendar: The 5000 Year Struggle To Align The Clock and the Heavens, and What Happened To The Missing Ten Days By David Ewing Duncan
109. John Van der Kiste, "Dearest Vicky, Darling Fritz: The Tragic Love Story of Queen Victoria's Eldest Daughter and the German Emperor"
110. Матеріальна цивілізація, економіка і капіталізм, XV-XVIII ст. Том 2. Ігри обміну
111. Geoffrey C. Bunn, "The Truth Machine: A Social History of the Lie Detector"
112. Katherine Leonard Turner, "How the Other Half Ate: A History of Working-Class Meals at the Turn of the Century"
113. We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals
114. John T. Alexander, "Bubonic Plague in Early Modern Russia: Public Health and Urban Disaster"
115. James Tobin, "To Conquer the Air: The Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight"
116. Linda Himelstein, "The King of Vodka: The Story of Pyotr Smirnov and the Upheaval of an Empire"
117. Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain by H. E. M. Cool
118. Edward L. Goldberg, "Jews and Magic in Medici Florence: The Secret World of Benedetto Blanis"
119. Blaine Taylor, "Hitler's Engineers: Fritz Todt and Albert Speer, Master Builders of the Third Reich"
120. Andrew Rimas, Evan Fraser , "Beef: The Untold Story of How Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World"
121. Hippocrates: Making the Way for Medicine: Life Science (Science Readers) By Teacher Created Materials
122. История елочной игрушки
123. Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940 (New Directions in Southern Studies) by Amy Louise Wood
124. Women and Society in Russia and the Soviet Union (International Council for Central and East European Studies)
125. Mary McAuliffe, "Twilight of the Belle Epoque: The Paris of Picasso, Stravinsky, Proust, Renault, Marie Curie, Gertrude Stein, and Their Friends through the Great War"
126. Stargazer: The Life and Times of the Telescope By Fred Watson
127. Galina Kichigina - The Imperial Laboratory: Experimental Physiology and Clinical Medicine in Post-Crimean Russia
128. Amanda J. Thomas - The Lambeth Cholera Outbreak of 1848-1849: The Setting, Causes, Course and Aftermath of an Epidemic in London
129. Roland Huntford, "Scott And Amundsen: The Last Place on Earth"
130. Women in Space: Following Valentina By Shayler David, Ian A. Moule
131. Car: A Definitive Visual History of the Automobile by Giles Chapman (Editor), Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff
132. Iris Bruijn - Ship's Surgeons of the Dutch East India Company: Commerce and the Progress of Medicine in the Eighteenth Century

Енциклопедії, словники, довідники

133. Peter Rollberg, "Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Cinema "
134. The Dictionary of Fashion History by Valerie Cumming, C. W. Cunnington and P. E. Cunnington
135. Datapedia of the United States: American History in Numbers (Datapedia of the United States) By George Thomas Kurian, Barbara A. Chernow
136. Wine encyclopedia by Eliza Martin
137. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Extreme Sport By Douglas Booth
138. The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society by Sarah J. Greenwald and Jill E. Thomley
139. Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures Topics
140. Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia, Fourth Edition by Tom Stevenson
141. Дворянские роды Российской империи в 4 томах
142. Словарь языка русских жестов
143. The Element Encyclopedia of Native Americans: An A to Z of Tribes, Culture, and History by Adele Nozedar

Держава, армія, управління, економіка, соціологія

144. The Closing of the American Border: Terrorism, Immigration, and Security Since 9/11 By Edward Alden
145. HELMAND MISSION: With 1st Royal Irish Battlegroup in Afghanistan 2008 by Richard Doherty
146. Electronic Warfare (Defense, Security and Strategy) by Adam T. Elsworth
147. Shadow Warfare: The History of America's Undeclared Wars by Larry Hancock and Stuart Wexler
148. Jeff Lewis - Language Wars: The Role of Media and Culture in Global Terror and Political Violence
149. Matt Kennard, "Irregular Army: How the US Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror"
150. Marcel H. Van Herpen, "Putin's Wars: The Rise of Russia's New Imperialism"
151. David Landau, "Arik: The Life of Ariel Sharon"
152. Philip Longworth, "Russia: The Once and Future Empire From Pre-History to Putin"

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