Е-книги, знайдені останнім часом

Nov 17, 2011 18:56

[Колонка головного редактора] Сьогодні багатим на англомовні вартісні видання буде розділ «Енциклопедії». Ще кілька книг хочу відзначити у розділах «Історія України» та «Світова культура». Бонусом - лінки на три онлайн-бібліотеки, невеличкі, але по своєму цікаві

Історія та культура України

1. Кожедуб И. Н. Неизвестный Кожедуб. Служу Родине
2. Колода В.В., Горбаненко С.А. Сельское хозяйство носителей салтовской культуры в лесостепной зоне
3. Нариси повсякденного життя радянської України в добу непу (1921-1928 рр.) ч 1-2
4. Козацькі січі (нариси з історії українського козацтва XVI-XIX ст.). - Київ; Запоріжжя, 1998. - 252 с.
5. Легенди та перекази
6. Українськi народнi танцi
7. Двадцять кіп писанок
8. Розбудова нації - друкований орган ОУН 1928-1934 рр
9. Бойові мечі з музейної колекції Ужгородського замку
10. Танковое сражение под Бродами - Ровно 1941
11. Южнороссийский союз рабочих. Возникновение и деятельность
12. Natan M. Meir - Kiev, Jewish Metropolis: A History, 1859-1914
13. История Украинского народа, выпуск 2
14. История Украинского народа, выпуск 1
15. Історія південно-східної України
16. Киевская оборонительная операция 7 июля - 26 сентября 1941 г.
17. Оборона Киева 1941
18. Касьянов Г. В., Миллер А. И. Россия-Украина: как пишется история: Диалоги - лекции - статьи / Российский государственный гуманитарный университет. М.: РГГУ, 2011. - 306 с.
19. Гуцули у Визвольній боротьбі: Спогади січового стрільця Михайла Горбового
20. Осип Станімір "Моя участь у визвольних змаганнях 1917-1920"
21. Войтович Л.В. Княжа доба на Русі: Портрети еліти (Біла Церква, 2006)
22. Основьяненко
23. Косик В. Спецоперацiї НКВД-КГБ проти ОУН: боротьба Москви проти українського нацiоналiзму 1933-1943. Дослiдження методiв боротьби.
24. Iщук О., Огороднiк В. "Генерал Микола Арсенич: життя та дiяльнiсть шефа СБ ОУН"
25. Ярослав Сватко, Розвiдник воюючої України
26. Зміївський ліцей № 1 ім. З. К. Слюсаренка. 140 років на освітянській ниві (1871 - 2011)
27. Іменем війська Запорозького: Українське козацтво в міжнародних відносинах - XVI - середини XVII століття

Всесвітня історія

28. Philip Deloria, Neal Salisbury, "A Companion to American Indian History"
29. Jonathan Scott, "When the Waves Ruled Britannia: Geography and Political Identities, 1500-1800"
30. Eve Tavor Bannet, "Transatlantic Stories and the History of Reading, 1720-1810: Migrant Fictions"
31. Новый солдат 016 Битва при Азенкурте 1415
32. Paul Stephenson, "The Legend of Basil the Bulgar-Slayer"
33. Советско-германские отношения (1922-1925): Ч. 1 и 2
34. John Rennie Short, "Cartographic Encounters: Indigenous Peoples and the Exploration of the New World"
35. Bruce S. Hall, "A History of Race in Muslim West Africa, 1600-1960 (African Studies)"
36. Собственный Его Императорского Величества Конвой
37. Knives and Swords: A Visual History
38. Ana Echevarría, Martin Beagles, "Knights on the Frontier"
39. Conor Kostick, "The Social Structure of the First Crusade"
40. Richard Platt, "Pirate"
41. Benjamin Kaplan, Marybeth Carlson, Laura Cruz, "Boundaries and their Meanings in the History of the Netherlands"
42. Philip Wayne Powell, Himmerich y Valencia, "Tree of Hate: Propaganda and Prejudices Affecting United States Relations with the Hispanic World"
43. Aurelio Espinosa, "The Empire of the Cities: Emperor Charles V, the Comunero Revolt, and the Transformation of the Spanish System"
44. Советско-германские отношения от переговоров в Брест-Литовске до подписания Рапалльского договора. Сборник документов : В 2-х т.
45. Арабо-израильские войны. Арабский взгляд
46. Nandini Chatterjee, "The Making of Indian Secularism: Empire, Law and Christianity, 1830-1960"
47. Augustus: The Life of Rome's First Emperor By Anthony Everitt
48. Ann Jefferson, "Daily Life in Colonial Latin America (The Greenwood Press Daily Life through History)"
49. Rodric Braithwaite, "Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979-1989"
50. No More Silence: An Oral History of the Assassination of President Kennedy By Larry A. Sneed
51. Gail Harris, "A Woman's War: The Professional and Personal Journey of the Navy's First African American Female Intelligence Officer (Scarecrow Professional Intelligence Education Series)"
52. The Cambridge History of China, Volume 12: Republican China, 1912-1949, Part 1 By John K. Fairbank, Denis Twitchett
53. Michael E. Clarke, "Xinjiang and China's Rise in Central Asia - A History (Routledge Contemporary China Series)"
54. Ulrike Freitag, "The City in the Ottoman Empire: Migration and the making of urban modernity (SOAS/Routledge Studies on the Middle East)"
55. Gabrielle Hecht, "Entangled Geographies: Empire and Technopolitics in the Global Cold War (Inside Technology) "
56. Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State By Randolph B. Campbell
57. Rachel St. John, "Line in the Sand: A History of the Western U.S.-Mexico Border"
58. Mark Thompson, "The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front 1915-1919"
59. The Course of German Nationalism: From Frederick the Great to Bismarck 1763-1867 By Hagen Schulze, Sarah Hanbury-Tenison
60. Новый солдат 015 Гладиаторы 100 г. до н.э. - 200 г. н.э.
61. Fan Shen - Gang of One: Memoirs of a Red Guard
62. Yannis Sygkelos, "Nationalism from the Left: The Bulgarian Communist Party During the Second World War and the Early Post-War Years (Balkan Studies Library)"
63. Sharon M. Hanes, Richard Clay Hanes, Lawrence W. Baker - Cold War: Primary Sources
64. Laura Stokes, "Demons of Urban Reform: Early European Witch Trials and Criminal Justice, 1430-1530"
65. Kathy Stuart, "Defiled Trades and Social Outcasts: Honor and Ritual Pollution in Early Modern Germany"
66. Дальстрой и Севвостлаг НКВД СССР в цифрах и документах. Часть 2. 1941-1945
67. Русский национализм в начале XX столетия
68. Richard L. Harris, "Che Guevara: A Biography"
69. Walter E. Kaegi, "Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium"
70. Dimiter Angelov, "Imperial Ideology and Political Thought in Byzantium, 1204-1330"
71. Новый солдат 014 Римский легионер
72. Martin W. Sandler - On the Waters of the USA: Ships and Boats in American Life
73. Simon Adams, "World War I"
74. The Military Organisation of a Renaissance State: Venice c.1400 to 1617 By M. E. Mallett, J. R. Hale
75. The East German Leadership and the Division of Germany: Patriotism and Propaganda 1945-1953 By Dirk Spilker
76. Davis W. Houck, Amos Kiewe - FDR's Body Politics: The Rhetoric of Disability
77. William Cameron Johnston, "War of Patrols: Canadian Army Operations in Korea"
78. Lucien van der Walt, "Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940 (Studies in Global Social History)"
79. Колымский лед. Система управления на Северо-Востоке России 1953-1964
80. Юстиниан Великий император и святой
81. Robyn Adams, Rosanna Cox, "Diplomacy and Early Modern Culture"
82. Монгольская империя и кочевой мир
83. Новый солдат 017 Битва при Саламанке 1812
84. Nghia M. Vo, "Saigon: A History"
85. Italy (Inventing the Nation) By Nicholas Doumanis
86. Máire Fedelma Cross, "Gender and Fraternal Orders in Europe, 1300-2000"
87. Dr. John Marriott, "Beyond the Tower: A History of East London"
88. Sarah Foot, "AEthelstan: The First King of England (The English Monarchs Series)"
89. Монгольская дипломатика XIII - XV вв.

Друга світова війна

90. 1941 год. В 2 книгах
91. Henry Friedman, Michael Berenbaum, "I'm No Hero: Journeys of a Holocaust Survivor"
92. Торнадо Танк на поле боя 006 Танки Вермахта на Восточном Фронте
93. The Wellington Bomber
94. Торнадо Танк на поле боя 008 Танки ленд-лиза в Красной Армии. Часть 1
95. Эсэсовская "гвардия" в бою. Фронтовые мемуары ветеранов 1-й танковой дивизии СС "Лейбштандарт Адольф Гитлер"
96. Торнадо Танк на поле боя 007 Танки вермахта в Африке
97. Walter Model (Osprey Command 15)
98. The Armies of George S. Patton
99. Hawai'i at the Crossroads of the U.S. and Japan Before the Pacific War By Jon Thares Davidann
100. Политические солдаты Гитлера
101. Торнадо Танк на поле боя 009 Танки ленд-лиза в Красной Армии. Часть 2

Світова культура та соціум

102. Lake Douglas, "Public Spaces, Private Gardens: A History of Designed Landscapes in New Orleans"
103. Усачёва В. В. - Магия слова и действия в народной культуре славян
104. Бейкер-стрит и окрестности
105. J. A. Galvan - Culture and Customs of Puerto Rico
106. Michael Grant, "Myths of the Greeks and Romans"
107. Robert Mullen, "Call of the Camino: Myths, Legends and Pilgrim Stories on the Way to Santiago de Compostela"
108. Sarah Nilsen, "Projecting America, 1958: Film and Cultural Diplomacy at the Brussels World's Fair"
109. Alexei Lalo, "Libertinage in Russian Culture and Literature"
110. Ernest R. Holloway III, "Andrew Melville and Humanism in Renaissance Scotland 1545-1622 (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions)"
111. Classical Film Violence: Designing and Regulating Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1968 By Stephen Prince
112. Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire
113. Louis Sicking, "Beyond the Catch: Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900-1850 (The Northern World)"
114. Marshall Cavendish, "Heroes and Heroines of Greece and Rome"
115. Cynthia Ho, Beth A. Mulvaney, John K. Downey, "Finding Saint Francis in Literature and Art"
116. Dagmar Herzog, "Sexuality in Europe: A Twentieth-Century History"
117. Moshe Idel, "Golem: Jewish Magical and Mystical Traditions on the Artificial Anthropoid"
118. Diane Morgan, "Fire and Blood: Rubies in Myth, Magic, and History"
119. Owen Davies, "Grimoires: A History of Magic Books"
120. Мода и фашизм. 1933-1945
121. Peter-Ben Smit, "Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History (Brill's Series in Church History)"
122. Имперская тектоника. Архитектура III рейха
123. Stephen Bertman, "Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia"
124. Коллекция военных песен Русской императорской армии и периода гражданской войны
125. Matthew Evangelista, "Gender, Nationalism, and War: Conflict on the Movie Screen"
126. "The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art" by Julius Evola
127. "Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization" ed. by Heinrich Robert Zimmer
128. Barry Pritzker, "The Hopi (The History & Culture of Native Americans)"
129. Marial Iglesias Utset, Russ Davidson, "A Cultural History of Cuba during the U.S. Occupation, 1898-1902"
130. Русские фамилии тюркского происхождения
131. Thomas W. Jacobsen, "Traditional New Orleans Jazz: Conversations With the Men Who Make the Music"

Енциклопедії, словники та довідники

132. Jordan Goodman - Tobacco in History and Culture: An Encyclopedia (2 Volume set)
133. Краткий топонимический словарь Белоруссии
134. Греция: Лингво-страноведческий словарь
135. Донской словарь. Материалы к изучению лексики донских казаков
136. Топонимический словарь Центральной России
137. Helene Henderson, Sue Ellen Thompson - Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary
138. Lester R. Kurtz, "Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, 2 Volume"
139. Jan Pinkerton, Randolph H. Hudson, "Encyclopedia of the Chicago Literary Renaissance: The Essential Guide to the Lives and Works of the Chicago Renaissance Writers (Literary Movements)"
140. Leonard W. Levy, Kenneth L. Karst, "Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (6 Volume Set)"
141. George Fink, "Encyclopedia of Stress (Three-Volume Set)"
142. Vincent N. Parrillo, "Encyclopedia of Social Problems (Two Volume Set)"
143. Gary S. Cross, "Encyclopedia of Recreation & Leisure in America Volume 2 (Scribner American Civilization)"
144. Frank Hoffmann, "Encyclopedia of Recorded Sound (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities)"
145. Helen T. (Taylor) Greene, Shaun L. Gabbidon, "Encyclopedia of Race and Crime"
146. Patricia J. Bungert, "Encyclopedia of Products & Industries - Manufacturing"
147. Victor E. Taylor, Charles E. Winquist, "Encyclopedia of Postmodernism (Routledge World Reference)"
148. Gale Group, "Encyclopedia of Population"
149. Larry Allen, "Encyclopedia of Money"
150. John Jenkins, John Pigram, "Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation"
151. George R. Goethals, Georgia L. Sorenson, "Encyclopedia of Leadership 4 vol. set"
152. Henry D. Spalding, "Encyclopedia of Jewish Humor: From Biblical Times to the Modern Age"
153. Harry T. Reis, Susan K. Sprecher, "Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (Three Volume Set)"
154. Yawei Zhang, "Encyclopedia of Global Health (4 Vol. Set )"
155. Barbara A. (Alane) Kerr, "Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent"
156. Melvin Ember, Carol R. Ember, "Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World. Volume I: Overviews and Topics; Volume II: Diaspora Communities (v. 1)"
157. Clifton D. Bryant, Dennis L. Peck, "Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience"
158. Karen Christensen, "Encyclopedia of Community : From the Village to the Virtual World"
159. Sam Goldstein, Jack A. Naglieri, "Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development"
160. Wendy Ng, Edith Wen-Chu Chen, "Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today (2 volumes)"
161. Marilyn D. Mcshane, Franklin P. Williams, "Encyclopedia of American Prisons (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)"
162. Sana Loue, Martha Sajatovic, "Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health (Springer Reference)"
163. James Hall, "Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art"
164. Fred Skolnik, "Encyclopedia Judaica 22 Volume Set"
165. Encyclopedia Britannica, "Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: Fast Answers"
166. John Daintith, "Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists, Third Edition"
167. David Levinson, "Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport (4 Volume Set)"
168. Robert Gough, "An Encyclopedia of Small Fruit"
169. David Levinson, "Aggression and Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia (Encyclopedias of the Human Experience)"
170. Reuel R. Hanks, "Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts"
171. Laurie J. Fundukian, Jeffrey Wilson - The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health
172. Elizabeth A. Martin, "A Dictionary of Science"
173. DK Publishing, "Dinosaurs A Visual Encyclopedia"
174. Encyclopedia of world cultures Vol 1 - 10
175. John McCoy, "Geo-Data: World Geographic Encyclopedia (Geo-Data: The World Geographical Encyclopedia)"

Політологія, філософія, соціологія, державне управління, армія

176. Costas Douzinas, Slavoj Žižek, "The Idea of Communism"
177. Michael Confino, "Russia Before the "Radiant Future": Essays in Modern History, Culture, and Society"
178. Kåre Johan Mjør, "Reformulating Russia (Russian History and Culture)"
179. Edward Higgs, "Identifying the English: A History of Personal Identification 1500 to the Present"
180. Dennis M.P. McCarthy, "An Economic History of Organized Crime: A National and Transnational Approach (Routledge Studies in Crime and Economics)"
181. Dick Howard, "The Primacy of the Political: A History of Political Thought from the Greeks to the French and American Revolutions (Columbia Studies in Political Thought / Political History)"
182. Wojciech Sadurski, "Equality and Legitimacy"
183. "The Heart of Power: Health and Politics in the Oval Office" by David Blumenthal and James Morone
184. M. J. Akbar, "Tinderbox: The Past and Future of Pakistan"
185. Оружие ближнего боя России
186. James Hankins - The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy
187. "Sex and War: How Biology Explains Warfare and Terrorism and Offers a Path to a Safer World" by Malcolm Potts, Thomas Hayden
188. Nadav Morag, "Comparative Homeland Security: Global Lessons"
189. John Horgan - The Psychology of Terrorism
190. Daniel L. Burghart, "In The Tracks Of Tamerlane: Central Asia's Path To The 21st Century"
191. Olena Nikolayenko, "Citizens in the Making in Post-Soviet States"
192. Tugrul Keskin, "The Sociology of Islam: Secularism, Economy and Politics"
193. Philip M. Taylor - Global Communications, International Affairs and the Media Since 1945

Наука і технології

194. John C. Norcross, Gary R. Vandenbos, Donald K. Freedheim, "History of Psychotherapy: Continuity and Change"
195. Elaine Leong, "Secrets and Knowledge in Medicine and Science, 1500-1800 (The History of Medicine in Context)"
196. Railway Blunders
197. Ray Spangenburg, Diane K. Moser, "The History of Science from 1946 to the 1990s"
198. Ray Spangenburg, Diane K. Moser, "The History of Science from 1895 to 1945"
199. Palle Bogelund Petterson, "Cameras into the Wild: A History of Early Wildlife and Expedition Filmmaking, 1895-1928"

Туристичні путівники

200. Sophie Cunningham, "Melbourne (The City Series)"
201. The World's Must-See Places: A Look Inside More Than 100 Magnificent Buildings and Monuments
202. Знакомьтесь: Европа. Школьный путеводитель


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