Adventures in skins

Jan 08, 2013 09:07

So I've had some eye defaults for awhile now and thought I would have yet another look around at default skins. I did try once before and chucked it in because I could not find what I wanted. I know I am terribly picky and very exacting in my requirments.
1. It must be Maxis Match and matt. I'm after something that looks similar to maxis but more like an improved version.
2. It must look good on toddlers
3. It must not give guys a look that says they have raided my lipstick.
4. sk 1 must not be too pale. I don't know how many times I loaded my legacy lot to see Salvatore looking like a geisha. Why I can't detect this on peoples previews I don't know.
5. sk 4 must not be too dark. I can do extra pale and extra dark with genetized skins, I want them to be close to the maxis shades.
6. No extra body bits although I would like nipples on teen to elder females, but subtle ones. It's just weird they disappear on turning teen. Hair on males optional. I can add that afterwoulds.

I didn't realize what a huge ask all of that was until I started hunting down skins...

I tried so many that I lost track of which ones I liked. Mixing and matching didn't occur to me until I had tried out around six different sets. By which time  my head was spinning.

I do know that this is sk4 by leh

From the very first set of skins I tried. "Oh no not another maxis Match skin"

But the toddlers just no.

Now I've hit a bit of a complication in that I'm not sure I have the twins skin set correctly in simpe. I thought when they were born they were sk 2 and sk 3, and Romera here was sk2. But when Salvatore holds him now, he looks identical to him...and Salvatore is sk 1. So I may have fluffed up their genetics when I went around and removed that very dominant MM skin that most of them have had since my founder past it on to nearly everyone. I guess it doesn't matter too much as I fluffed the genetics up with that original skin anyway. Just wish I could be sure which skin shade he is meant to be. I may go in and change him to sk2.

So the house went through a kaleidoscope of colour changes.

Now I know Joanne is sk 2 so that has to be sk 1 there on Romero.

"A pumkin?"
That was a short lived attempt to try and sort what skin was what....

Anyway I have settled for the moment of some MM skins by Nilou with a trapping edit for sk 1,2 and 3
With Tamara keeping the first leh skin in sk 4 which looks okay on toddlers too.

I like the improved teeth.

Salvatore of course likes to show a lot of them with his creepy nice talk smile. The nose mask might make their noses look even more crooked though.

The eye changes are subtle.

Poor kid all this filming and no one had given his aspiration a boost since he grew up.

And I like them on toddlers.
I've given both toddlers some male lippy though as the lips look good on adult males, but I think need to be softer on tots.

While Tamara has kept the sk 4 from the first set I tried as that one looks okay on toddlers too.

I close this with one last photo of Angel at the party

in her bathing suit....


pic spam, mobacy, makeover

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