drabble repost: Saturnalia [Marcus/Esca] & Fern Frost [Merlin/Arthur]

Dec 30, 2011 13:58

Title: Saturnalia
Fandom: The Eagle of the Ninth
Pairing: Marcus/Esca
Rating: PG
Word Count: 122
Summary: Drabble based on vague half knowledge about the reversal of social roles and other customs during Saturnalia.
A/N: Written for winterstorrm at glomp_fest's mini holiday round.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. Rosemary Sutcliff does.


When the nights grew longer and the days shorter, the town was abustle with people preparing for the holiday. It all culminated in one festive day: children stayed home from school, a special market was set up in the centre, everybody was allowed to gamble - even slaves. There was laughter everywhere.

Esca and Marcus found themselves outside the temple of Saturn. A group of people in colourful clothes were gathered there; they were waiting to untie the ropes that bound Saturn during the year.

"Let's go home." Marcus' warm breath puffed against Esca's ear. "And I'll show you my favourite part of Saturnalia." His eyes sparkled with mischief as he bowed to Esca and added, "Master."

Esca couldn't wait to get home.

Title: Fern Frost
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
Word Count: 165
Summary: Arthur is grumpy. Merlin knows what to do.
A/N: Written for ella_bane. (Originally posted as a comment to a flocked entry.)

Disclaimer: Merlin is owned by BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement intended.

Fern Frost

Merlin could tell the second he entered Arthur's room how the day would go. Some days he was greeted by a wide grin and a pillow to the head, and others Arthur was hiding deep in a bundle of blankets, grumbling about everything and nothing. As winter had draped Camelot in it's white shroud of snow and decorated the castle's windows with fern frost, these grumpy mornings had become an unfortunate regularity.

On mornings like these Merlin would stir an extra spoon of honey into Arthur's porridge; prepare a bath unasked; lay out only the most comfortable and warmest clothes.

"They say the sun will come out in the afternoon," he would say, casually, while he draped a warm towel over Arthur's shoulders.

"Hmpf," Arthur would answer and lean back a bit against Merlin's chest.

Merlin knew that all this wouldn't immediately cure Arthur's mood. But Arthur would force a tiny smile, ruffle Merlin's hair and say, "Thank you." And this alone was worth it.

*my:fiction, .p:marcus/esca, eagle of the ninth, .p:merlin/arthur, merlin, .rating:pg

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