rec: Painting by Numbers by ANON [Gwaine/Merlin - NC17 - 18k]

Dec 12, 2011 13:01

Are there rules for rec-ing things posted in a fest you mod? I have no idea! In any case, full disclosure:

Yes, I am a mod at Merlin Hols. Yes, I could look up the name of the author.
This rec reflects only my own opinion (and excited flailing) and not that of the fest.

Painting by Numbers written by ANON [Gwaine/Merlin - NC17 - 18k]
Author's summary: Since he fell out with a Painting By Numbers kit at eight, Gwaine has been incapable of painting within other people’s lines. Luckily he’s about to meet Merlin, an art student, who’s equally keen on making a splodgy mess of life.

Why I rec it:
This is a perfectly charming falling-in-love!fic. You can sense this walking on egg-shell feeling of the first night together, this let's try to do this right because it counts; it's all just so utterly lovely! Do yourself a favour and read it.

My fav part is the morning after where they both sketch out where they want to go from here:

Merlin says, “[...] eventually I decide that I’m an artist, and what’s the point of that if I don’t do something reckless and hasty every once in a while?”

“So we do it,” Gwaine says. “Leap of faith and all that, and we’re both scared as hell but we know it doesn’t really matter if we get our hearts burnt because, well, paint is just pain with a t on the end. And I know you sculpt but I couldn’t do a cute spelling thing with that so let’s just pretend.”
Merlin looks up, and this huge wall of feeling which wasn’t there before kicks Gwaine in the stomach, like everything they just described has already happened in more than words and they’re not here after one night but on the brink of a dwarfing commitment.

“You’ve given that a lot of thought,” Merlin says.

“It’s just a rough draft. We can rub it out and start again. No-one gets it right the first time - I mean you’re not supposed to, are you?"

merlin, *rec:fic, .p:gwaine/merlin

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