fic: Irresistible [bradley/colin - PG - 160]

Jul 30, 2011 00:13

My muse is off doing more fun things than living in my brain right now, so I decided I call for someone to prompt me on twitter and I'll write 100 words in 15min. I ended up needing 20min. And then I couldn't resist fiddling with details. Very much the intended effect, actually. :)

Title: Irresistible
Fandom: Merlin RPS
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: PG
Warnings: RPS
Word Count: ~160
Summary: Stetsons are cool.

A/N: written for chaosmaka's prompt "B/C holidays in Cali".

Disclaimer: The actions and events described in this story are purely fictional and not intended to cause offence. The cool tagline/summary is from Doctor Who, as you very well know!


"I'm never going to move again ever," Colin declared. It was only the first day of their holiday in California and already he was exhausted. Sightseeing wasn't relaxing in the least, what with Bradley James dragging him from one end of LA to the other like a hyper-active puppy.

Back in their hotel room Colin hadn't even taken off his shoes before he'd flopped down on the bed and dozed off to the sound of Bradley taking a shower.

A little while later, when Colin drowsily became aware of subtle but insistent coughing noises, he found Bradley standing in the doorway of the bathroom. A cloud of steam surrounded his perfect body; the only thing he was wearing was a wide brimmed hat and a wicked grin that promised exhausting endeavours that had nothing to do with touristy sightseeing.

"I wear a Stetson now," Bradley growled and slowly made his way over to Colin. "Stetsons are cool."

Well, who could ever resist that? So Colin decided he was going to move again after all.


.p:bradley/colin, *my:fiction, merlin rpf, .rating:pg

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