Rec me your favourite Smooch Fest Fic!

Jun 20, 2010 18:15

So, I'm now about ONE THOUSAND fics behind on the smoochfest. Okay, 30. But still. I just don't have the time to read them all, even though I want to. It's just not feasible. :(

Here's where you come in:

Please rec me your favourite hd_smoochfest fic!

As a Thank You, here are my top three (of those fics I've read so far):

Innocence Fields [H/D - PG - 3.3k]
Summary: Dreams take us to places that we rarely anticipate.
My Comment: Cue slow, admiring applause. This is magnificent! The images and how they flow and flicker like a dream. Simply amazing!

Speechless [H/D - R - 6.2k]
Summary: In which Draco can’t speak, and Harry learns to listen.
My Comment: This is so wonderful! ♥ I've tears in my eyes and it's just so... wonderful. Brilliantly written, brilliant psychology. Just all round brilliant! *sigh*

Things We Lost in the Storm [H/D - PG - 10k]
Summary: As the war ends, Draco saves himself by faking his own death and escapes to the Muggle world. He lives there, certain that he'll never go back to the wizarding world until... his child turns 11 and gets a very familiar letter.
My Comment: Ah, this is so, so lovely! *heavy sigh* What a beautiful way to start this fest.

.p:harry/draco, potterverse, *rec:fic

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