Brilliant, brilliant HP fanvid!

Oct 13, 2009 22:12

I saw a really, really brilliant fanvid just now! I know that most of my flist will probably run screaming as soon as I mention that it's a Draco/Ginny vid, but please bear with me.

This vid is an example for why I love fanvids. I've been talking to vaysh11 about it this summer: a good fanvid needs to take previously existing material and convincingly tell a different story.

"Diary Of Draco" does exacly that! It is brilliantly cut (something I find rare in HP fanvids), the vidder uses almost exclusively HBP material and builds a new little universe in only 2 minutes. In the end I could even believe the Sectumsempra scene was a duel for Ginny. o_O

Watch it!

Diary Of Draco by cantseethesky

.p:draco/ginny, potterverse, .ch:ginny, *rec:vid, .ch:harry, .ch:draco

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