Icon-Presents for my online Friends! (69 multifandom icons)

Dec 21, 2008 14:15

Dear online Friends,

what do we all want for Christmas? That's right, our fandom-crush delivered directly to our doorstep (or bedroom as the case might be *g*)!
Sadly, that's not exactly what I'm going to present you with. But I will provide you with icons that clearly state who you expect on your doorstep - and not just for the Winter Holidays! ;)

The caption on these icons is probably a silly idea that I drove a bit far, but I hope you like it anyway ;) If I left out your special fandom-crush (or if you'd like one of these without the caption), please let me know in the comments, I'll be more than happy to oblige!

Fandoms: BSG (5), BtVS (3) Dr. Horrible (7), DS-9 (1), Farscape (3), Firefly (7) Gilmore Girls (3), LOTR (3), Harry Potter (13), Red Dwarf (1), SG-1 and SGA (10), That 70ies Show (4), Twin Peaks (2), [Extra: An incredibly silly HP/Galaxy Quest Crossover *hides* (2)].
Disclaimer: All characters, shows, etc. are property of their respective owners. I don't own anything and I don't make any money of this!
Screencaps: For the Dr. Horrible icons I used screencaps from inadream_caps. (Check them out! They are awesome!)
Credit & Comments: Please credit

gilmore girls, sga, 70ies show, *my:icons, red dwarf, potterverse, .ch:ginny, bsg, ds-9, .ch:hermione, .ch:ron, twin peaks, .ch:harry, .ch:draco, lotr, sg-1, .ch:severus, firefly, jossverse, .ch:luna, farscape

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