chapter one: I arrive. Welcoming ensues. (Or not.)

Oct 21, 2006 21:51

So I've been here a few days now. I guess it could be worse. I'll just try my best to think of it as home.

Yesterday I finally met some other forms of life. I don't know if it's so empty here because a) the classes aren't in session, b) there are ten million other kids still on their way, or c) joke's on me! WE ARE THE ENTIRE CLASS. I'm seriously not hoping for c because... well. I wasn't exactly feeling the warm glowing rays of welcomeness from my brand new peers.

I was loitering around like I have a tendency to do, and I met this girl named Addy. She's kind of weird and has a stuttering problem, but she's a language genius or something so that's pretty cool. I can speak French. Sort of. In the same way that Japanese schoolgirls can speak English. J'aime tortues de mer. See? I'm great.
So I decided to find more people with her. We ran into this Brian guy. I thought he was a tightass, but he turned out to be pretty alright. There were some other kids, but I didn't talk to them much. So whatever. Brian made us metaphorically sit in a circle and hold hands, and tell each other our magic mutant powers. It was around this time I realized mutant school is just like any other school, only with powers. I know, how observant of me.

Later in the night, this other kid and I (I think his name was... Liam? Lyle? Lilo? Whatever.) discovered that this school has a freaking MOVIE THEATRE, and watched The Lion King. How geeky is that? But oh well. It was moderately fun.

I've spent the majority of my today doing a book of logic puzzles that I found laying around in the commons. You know, five people have dogs, match them with their dogs and the colors of their hats. It wastes a surprising amount of time.

... Yeah. I think I need to meet more people, too.
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