What I didn't know about lesbians...

Sep 01, 2004 01:37

I didn't know lesbians were supposed to like cats.
I didn't know lesbians were supposed to have short hair.
I didn't know lesbians wore tank tops in the middle of winter, played guitar ('shaped like a woman') or were all rampant, drooling feminists.

Frankly, if I had known all these things I would have recognized myself as a lesbian a long time ago. And I don't know why anybody, man or woman, wouldn't want to be a feminist.

And when did ACLU start standing for 'Gay and Lesbian Rights Association'?! It stands for HUMAN rights, ladies and gentlemen,- rights the constitution granted people a looooonnnggg time ago.

Actually, what I'm really, REALLY, upset about is the fact that when I wanted to buy my CD player last week, it came with a free CD. I had to backtrack all the way through the store to look for a CD I wasn't in the mood to buy. THAT is unconstitutional if anything is.

Not to mention I shave my legs... Dear god, how can I possibly be a lesbian if I shave my legs?
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