Sep 06, 2004 10:21
You may have noticed that I never use real names. I am addressing this because I will continue to use titles because I like to mention ages and places and I don't trust the internet and the people who inhabit it. I will not ask for your real name, your phone number or anything else I could stalk you with if I were a cyberstalker.
I have not yet refered to myself as anything, but if you're here on Becky's recommendation you know me as 'Em'ly'. -grin- Hello, my name is Joan Darc (saved France, spoke with angels). I am not Catholic, or any other recognizable religion. I meditate, I use crystal layouts and I like to breath deeply at all times.
Anyhow, on to the lists.
The GirlFriend (AKA: Best Girl Friend, BGF, TG)
Attends Bowling Green State University as a crazy Art Ed. major.
The Girlfriend is... Well,- frabjous. She has a beautiful smile and a smudge of paint that is never far from her nose. She likes sci-fi fantasy writing and sci-fi in general (she's a Trekki, like I said.). She likes Aragorn better than Legolas and thinks frogs are more apt to make a 'croak' ing sound, rather than a 'ribbit' ing sound.
(For the detailed story of our friendship please see previous entries, and probably all upcoming ones, since I'm always yakking to her, about her, and with her.)
COMING SOON.... The Off-worlder!