Just a Day

Sep 23, 2007 14:29

Another day, another... negative dollar... that's not how it should go, methinks....

Today's just a day. A day in which I have to take the bus to Wallin Hall (one of the farthest school buildings from my residence hall) to draw a still life composed of boxes piled up upon one another. Twice. Can you say "hella good time!!1"?

Afterwards, I've got loads of reading to catch up on; and I've a very interesting, complex assignment to look forward to on Monday. Will it ever cease, do you think? Maybe it's not supposed to... damn. I suppose one of the oddest things about me is that I sometimes abstain from doing things I actually enjoy because my laziness get in the way of my initiative. Hopefully all of these crazy deadlines will beat that out of me. Hopefully. We shall see.

I'm basically just going to try and see if I can write on LJ everyday, just for the sake of spilling whatever thoughts I might have at the time. I fear I may be becoming more detached than normal.

Happy times, happy days!

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