Help a Grad Student with His Comics Research!

Jun 27, 2009 18:59

If you want to post this on your own blogs or social networking sites to spread the word for other comics fans to take the survey, feel free to do so. The survey is open today 6/23 until Sunday 6/28.


Hello, my name is Miguel Gonzalez and I am a Psychology graduate student at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, TX. I am conducting research focused on understanding the factors that influence readers' perceptions of female characters as they are portrayed in comic books. My goal is to develop a survey that measures readers' perceptions accurately, reliably, and consistent with my theory, but in order to do this, I need your help!

By clicking here.

and filling out the survey you will be helping me collect important data that adds to the (relatively small) body of knowledge pertaining to comic books. Most research is done using college students which severely limits the ability to generalize the findings to the larger population, especially the population of people for who this research matters, comic book readers! To ensure your voice is heard follow the link and take the survey, and equally important, direct anyone you know who reads comic books back to this announcement so that they can take the survey as well.

The survey will only be available from Tuesday, June 23 until midnight Sunday, June 28. Data will not be collected after Sunday to allow enough time to analyze the data and write up the results to meet my deadline.

My research is in no way affiliated with any publishing company or marketing research firm. The survey is completely anonymous and as a participant you will not be placed on any mailing list, as a matter of fact at no time during the survey will you have to provide your email address or name. The study has been approved by the St. Mary’s University Institutional Review Board and regulated by said Board and the Federal Government. Participation is voluntary and I’m sorry but compensation can not be provided. What can I say, I’m a poor grad student and what little money I do have goes to feeding my own comic book addiction. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the survey, you help is greatly appreciated!
-Miguel Gonzalez

women, research, comics, education

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