Feeling better and full of beans. Not literally, but you know...
Christmas was fine. I've been listening to nothing but my new CD The Beatles "Love". I'm sure my wife has regretted buying it for me - she's only had to listen to it, like, twenty times now. I've got "Lady Madonna" in my head, which is a whole lot nicer than saying "I've got the beetles in my head." I've grossed a few people out by saying that. Wonder why......
Other than the folks I've disgusted, people have been inviting me everywhere. Which is strange. I've got three parties to go to this week, which is more parties than I've been to in the past three years. It'll be fun. I guess. Can my liver handle it? I hope so.
I've been busy doing beadwork - I've committed myself to making a leather pouch for my use at work. I've been thinking and trying to figure out exactly the best way to do this. I've made a denim prototype, but it won't work with leather, so I'll put a strap and fancy beadwork on the denim one and send it to my Mom-in-law as a purse. I'm so kind.
I've also put a bunch of new pics of my jewelery up on DeviantArt, which made me feel a little bit better about my lack of productivity.
Here's a fimo keytag I made for my wife, but the chain keeps breaking. Anyone know where I can get a good quality, heavy-duty chain small enough for this? Grrr.
Nothing much happening with writing fic. When I wasn't beading this past week, I've had my nose stuffed in a book, which was good for relaxing me, but I haven't gotten any writing done. I should go for a long walk. That sometimes helps my creativity. But it's just so bloody cold out I've been getting rides to work instead of walking. Minus-25 degrees Celcius is not conducive to fic-writing.
I also gotta go to the comic book store in a bad way. It's sad: I'm jonesing for comic books. Hmmmm... which is more important? Comics or paying the Visa bill? Visa bill, but sadly, it's a close decision. I'm such a nerd. *sigh*