(no subject)

Sep 03, 2007 20:51

The past three hours have passed quicker than I remember three hours passing in quite some time, and disturbingly enough they were spent reading 35 more lines of Euripides than I had to. I disturb myself; if I am not careful I shall actually LIKE Greek. Only the Eclogues have ever been such a translation-experience, and I find Northern Exposure (mostly the first one) the perfect music (I used to spend literally whole days doing Latin listening to them).

But school will have to be careful if it keeps being this fun or I will fall for it again.

Equally disturbingly, I think I am turning into a man. I am growing odd long hairs on my chin, and my legs are sprouting epic man-like growth. It would be really easy to remove it, but it's more fun to keep it there.

I found a word in my Greek dictionary meaning "to furnish with dykes". I know they didn't mean it THAT way, but still.... snigger.

I walked up the harbourview hill this evening. It was interesting. My legs are complaining.

Further, points of appreciation for today: Where the hell would we be without snaplock bags? My dependence on them is almost absolute. Also, Pak n Save actually has really nice garlic bread. Finally, Kristin Hersh and the Throwing Muses have replaced anyone else as my favourite musicmakers EVAH. Today's beguiling moments: the short gorgeous songs they are always shoving in the middle of their albums. Oh, oh, oh and this song; I had completely forgotten its brilliance. I am quickly becoming obsessed. Oops.
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