Sep 22, 2016 13:13
Because I'm trying to remember to update here more often, some random memeage:
What music are you listening to/have listened to most recently? At this moment I'm listening to the soundtrack to Oliver Stone's Alexander. This track is The Drums of Gaugamela.
If you could cosplay with someone else, what would it be? I would love to do Fingon and Maedhros from the Silmarillion with Amy Griswold. I'd be Fingon. I have long, dark hair and hers is red. (Yes, I do have a thing for gingers!)
What books are on your desk? I just cleaned up my desk, so there's only one book on it right now: The New College Latin & English Dictionary. Why? Because I was looking up a name for a gladiatrix in a story/book beginning that I'm playing with.
Coffee or tea? Coffee at the moment. Hot buttered rum coffee in fact. With no real rum. Because the rum is gone.