December Monthly Update

Dec 02, 2013 13:22

It's a clear, cold, and beautiful day here, and I'm watching the squirrels eating a pumpkin. I moved the decorative pumpkin from the porch to the back yard the day after Thanksgiving, and now a posse of three squirrels is taking it apart. I hope it provides them some yummy nutrition now that it's done being a fall decoration.

My next book out is Silver Bullet, the third Order of the Air book, which will be out in February. I'm so pleased with it, and I think it's the best one yet. It's certainly the longest! It came out in length between Black Ships and Hand of Isis, making it my second longest book. I am proud of it on so many levels, and I can't wait for you to see it!

Right now Melissa and I are finishing the fourth Order of the Air book, Wind Raker, which will probably be out next fall. We're above a hundred thousand words, and so we're into the resolution of the plot. This may be the best magic scene I've ever written. I hope you think so too!

As soon as I'm done with Wind Raker, it's all about Unascended. Amy's gotten going with her part and I've done a few scenes, but in the next couple of weeks I'll get down to the solid work on Unascended so that we'll be done for our March 1 deadline. I love writing Elizabeth, which are my next pieces. I've always thought she was an awesome character, and it's wonderful to try to get into her head.

I've also begun Serai, the sequel to Cythera, but I don't think I'll get far with it until Unascended is done. (Though I may moonlight a little!)

I'm itching to write another ancient world book, either Sacred Queen or Lioness, but right now I see no chance of selling either one and I can't afford to put four or five months work into a book that won't sell. I've been considering Kickstarter in the coming year, as it seems like that's worked for some authors. I would so love to explore the Age of Alexander through Thais and Berenice!

And there is Endless, the eighth Stargate Atlantis Legacy book which I'll work on later in 2014, and which will wrap up the plot of Unascended. More on that later!

So what are your thoughts, my friends? Anything you're particularly interested in? Looking forward to? Have questions about?

monthly update

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