whoaaa i was bored

Jan 02, 2005 03:34

1. name: jes
2. single or taken: single
3. sex: female
4. bday: november 5
5. sign: scorpio
6. siblings: dina and alyssa
7. hair color: brown
8. eye color: brown
9. height: 5' 8"

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: Sd n Meggy 
2. you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no

fa s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: american eagle and the dollar store =) 
2. any tattoos or piercings: no

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: biolage or something
3. what are you most scared of?: THE DARK! haha
4. what are you listening to right now? senses fail-the ground folds acoustic =)
5. who is the last person that called you?: haha ah man..my sister
6. where do you want to get married?: dont really know
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 60
8. what would you change about yourself?: duno

1. color: blue
2. food: prolly fruit
3. boys names: i duno
4. girls names: i duno
5. subjects in school: CHEMISTRY <3
6. animals: alligators!

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: nope
2. smoked?: smoked what? haha
3. bungee jumped?: nope
4. made yourself throw up?: haha once but i couldnt control myself
5. skinny dipped?: yea
6: ever been in love?: no
7. made yourself cry to get to get out of trouble: yea
8. pictured your crush naked?: i dont think so
9. actually seen your crush naked?: no
10. cried when someone died?: yes
11. lied: yes
12. fallen for your best friend?: haha back in 8th grade..
13. been rejected?: no
14. rejected someone?: no
15. used someone?: no
16. done something you regret?: yeaa

c u r r e n t
clothes: blue tshirt n my black awesome baller shorts =) i found them haha
music: jimmy eat world-pain
make-up: none
annoyance: uhmm nobody to talk to
smell: regular smell?
desktop picture: a bunch of fish..i hate fish
book youre reading: haha i dont read
cd in player: KANYE!
dvd in player: nothing

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: i duno..prolly punched my sister
hugged: duno
you imed: meggy
you yelled at: my sister

a r e | y o u
understanding: yea
open-minded: yea
arrogant: usally no
insecure: sometimes
interesting: yes
random: very
hungry: nope
smart: sometimes:
hard working: depends
organized: usally
healthy: i guess
shy: not really
difficult: very
attractive: no
bored easily: yea
responsible: i think so
obsessed: no
angry: i dont think so
sad: ehh try not to be
happy: i guess you could say that
hyper: usually

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill?: nobody but hurt very badly hahaha 
slap: i duno
get really wasted with?: haha anybody
get high with: haha doesnt matter
talk to offline: somebody but they dont care
talk to online: anybody right now
sex it up with: haha

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: freakishly awake
all you need is: fruit
love is: giving your everything to somebody
i dream about: uhmm crazy stuff
sexual preference: guys

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: waterr
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: arms or eyes haha
makes you laugh the most: i duno
gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: hmm
who do you have a crush on: n.m.

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no not anymore
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: no
wish you were younger: no
Cried because someone said something to you?: yeah

N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: one but it doesnt really count 
of hearts i have broken: none
of cds i own: many
of scars on my body: alot
of things that i regret: too many

y o u r | t h o u g h t s
I know: nothing is certain
I have: no doubt in my mind you have become exactly what you hated
I wish: things could be like they used to be
I hate: when people make up excuses and you know the truth
I fear: THE DARK 
I hear: old school dashboard-the best deceptions =)
I search: for somebody to talk to
I wonder: whyyy you lie and why i care so much
I love: hmm my puppy =)

Got a car?: not yett
Any other kind of mode of transportation?:scooter! but its a lil cold now
Any pets?: my puppy
Want any pets?: whyy would i want another one? so i can be ignored even more? hahaha
Got a job?: yeaa most boring job ever at the pavilion
If you could have any job, what would it be?: i have one..but it would be somewhere were it isnt so boring
When do you wake up on the weekdays/weekends?: weekdays-usually 6 n weekends it depends
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: hmm little more then an hour.
Name some activites that you do daily: usually school and bball
When do you go to bed on weekdays/weekends?: whenever im tired

If you are out of school then: be happy bout most things
What school?:EG
What grade?: 10
Favorite teacher so far?: uhmm mr mootz is cool n mr d
Current subjects?: spanish health CHEMISTY world history geo photo n lit
Favorite subject?: chem =)
Least favorite subject?: prolly spanish since i dont understand nething 
Ever dissect[ed] anything?: i think i had the chance to dissect a squid but i didnt
Do you drive to school?: noo
What do you wanna do when you're out of school? [If you already are, then what are you doing?]: sports medicine
Involved in sports?which ones?: bball track n xc

Describe your style of clothing: ehh w/e
Describe your hair[style]: uglyy haha usually down n straigh or up in a ponytail 
Favorite places to shop?: american eagle
What kind of shoes do you wear?: depends on what kind of mood im in..usually my beat up kswiss or nike shocks
Favorite outfit?: hmm prolly hoodie n jeans
Accessories? [watch, hat, ect.]: hmm livestrong braclet n mine n saras friendship orange rubber band haha
Wear makeup?: no
Nailpolish?: no
Do you own anything plaid?: i dont think so
Rainbow?: no
Tye dyed?: no
Leopard print?: no

Pick your
Color: blue
Number: 4
Shape: square
Season: fall
Ice cream flavor: never
Month of the year: september october november sometimes july
Day of the week: friday
Time of day: late afternoon or night
Smell: outside..fall or pure water..im very strange
Sound: prolly just a good song
Sight: leaves and trees in the fall
Texture: i duno
Holiday: halloween or xmas
Gem/Jewel: i duno diamond
Mythical creature: wizards! yetis!
Type of weather: kinda cold n almost gonna rain but not
Snack food: i duno crackers or fruit
Fruit: any kind
Vegetable: celery n lately broccoli
Breed of dog: shit tzu hahaha
Breed of cat: i dont like cats
Fast food place: uhmm none really subway i guess
Restaraunt: i duno prolly bennigans
Store: american eagle or the dollar store
TV show: battle of the sexes everwood n real world
Movie: uhmm edward scissorhands always n alot more
Writer: i duno j.k. rowling

.:Pick One:.
Night/Day: night
Light/Dark: AH light
Summer/Winter: ehh depends
Cat/Dog: dog
AOL/AIM: aim
Rollerskates/Rollerblades:blades haha
Pepsi/Coke: water
Coffee/Tea: java chip frapps n iced tea haha
Gloves/Mittens: haha i duno gloves
Cell phone/Pager: cell
Sweet/Sour: sour
Vanilla/Chocolate: vanilla i guess
Cake/Ice cream: ehh neither
Tall/Short: tall
Leader/Follower: leader
Pen/Pencil: pen but sometimes pencil
Long Hair/Short Hair: long i guess 
McDonalds/Burger King: neither
Laptop/Computer: laptop
PC/MAC: pc
Chinese food/Italian food: italian
Math/English: ehh i duno
Rap/Pop: kanye n britney =) haha
Rock/Punk: rock
Radio/CD: cd
Mosh Pit/Skank Pit: mosh
Book/Movie: movie

When did you wake up?: 11 i think
What did you have for breakfast?: bananna
Do anything interesting?: nope watched battle of the sexes
Talk to anyone worth mentioning?: haha just sd n meggy
What are you wearing?: we went over this already blue tshirt n baller shorts
What's your wallpaper on your computer?: once again..stupid fish
What's on the desk with you?: my fone the sims 2 =)
Is your computer even on a desk?: yea
Who's around you right now?: nobody my dogs sleepin on the bed
Talking to anyone on AIM?: no im away but when am i not
Listening to any music?: the early november-come back
What time is it, anyway?: 309 in the am

Type out some lyrics from whatever song you're currently listening to: i know your sorry i know what you must be going through and i feel sorry for you but please dont leave me noww
Close your eyes and type what color you see: red
What's in your pockets right now?: no pockets

What color is your computer?: black
What color is your pillow case?: a light blue

1 minute ago: sittin
1 hour ago: prolly sittin here
1 day ago: sleepin

1 year ago: sleepin
What was the last movie you saw?: i watched batman returns today with the penguin! hes creepy
Last time you went to the movies?: monday i think it was..darkness
What did you last eat?: uhmm broccili n spagetti for dinner
What did you last drink?: water
Last time you travelled out of the state?: hahah! 5th grade! noo summer went to michigan with larsons n sar n meg
Where to?: just saidd
Last CD you bought?: i dont buy cds i just burn them
drunk off your arse?: haha too long ago..my bday
Stoned?: summer
Last time you showered?: new years eve heh heh
Brushed your teeth?: like midnight
Smiled?: uhmm playin con mi perro
Laughed?: prolly the same

Cried?: the other day friday i think
Last book you read?: the five people you meet in heaven..pretty good for a book
When you were little, what did you want to be when you 'grew up'?: i duno prolly like a monkey
Last thing you bought?: uhmm prolly hoodie or lunch or something
Any good childhood memories?: haha this one time my sisters friend spilled hot chocolate on me in mcdonalds and my mom made me go in the trunk the ride home hahahah
What was your best Halloween costume?: i duno my mom made them all

Gettin' married?: yea
Honeymoon ideas?: hawaii would be nice
Havin' kids?: prolly if i dont wanna kill them
[If so] How many?: 2 maybe
Any name preferences?: i dont think so

If you haven't started already, what career path do you want to get into?: sports medicine
Do you think you'll travel a lot or stay at home?: duno prolly stay home
Any other 'big plans'?: i duno 
What kind of house do you plan to live in?: very big
Where do you want to live?: i duno

.:Random [you knew it was coming]:.
Do you have any bad habits?: yess i bite my nails terribly and i cant let things go
Ever sing kareoke?: yea
Where do you like to vacation?: hawaii to learn to play the ukalele
What video game system do you have?: n64 =) haha 
Have you ever passed out?: i wishh
Have you ever passed out due to large consumptions of alcohol?: haha yes

Killed some..thing?: prolly like bugs
Named inanimate objects?: i think
Go to church?: i wish
Have you ever killed your own dinner?: ahh no
Do you look like anyone famous?: no
What is your favorite color to write in ink with?: blue only
What's the most unique thing in your room?: prolly the power rangers poster on my wall =)
Ever kidnap somone?: no
Do you curse like a sailor?: when i get mad 
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?: no
Play any musical instruments?: no

Do you like sushi?: no
Have you ever gone to the movies and thrown stuff at the screen?: prolly
Throw stuff at people?: haha yes
Get thrown out?: yes
Describe yourself with five adjectives: weird-funny-crazy-duno duno
Okay. So your house is burning down. What do you try and save? :: lets say, family members and pets are already out: i duno prolly like pics
How many TVs do you have in your house?: 3
What did you learn today?: i duno i hate penguins 
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