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Jul 02, 2005 00:43

woke up late today, and enjoyed some time alone in my house because the fam went to ac... went to work and then spent a lil time with p, though not nearly enough...

i was flipping through movie channels tonite, and i realized that every movie that i was interested in, the main plot had entirely to do with love, sex, marriage and divorce... cheating also played an important role in each movie... i watched a little of: under the tuscan sun, mona lisa smile and miami rhapsody... miami rhapsody is a great movie... and maybe i'm just saying this because i'm a s.j. parker fan, as well as a florida fan, but i love it... there was a lot of fighting and crying over love, and it makes me so sad and so happy at the end when everything magically works out... and i know that they're just movies, and not real life, but i still feel like falling in love isn't something that is fake, and that this kind of thing does really happen in real life... i read somewhere today that we don't have much on this earth, except the other people that are here with us, and i really agree with it... the most important things in life are the relationships we have with other people...

since i've joined all of these online photosharing websites, my favorite pasttime during these late nites when i cannot fall asleep is looking at people's wedding photos... which i will admit is a little strange, but also completely interesting... SO many people make the decision to get married and put so much effort into this ceremony... how do they know that its the right thing for them to do? i guess they don't, since i think a little more than half of all marriages end in divorce... but there has to be some way to know, right? otherwise, considering the odds, it seems to me that number should be a whole lot higher...
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