Just Like A Jones 7/25

Jul 18, 2009 21:27

TITLE: Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 7/25
Rating: g - nc-17 for the whole series
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon. OC's
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! happy fix.
Comments are always appreciated. i havent been back into fic for long and I do need a confidence boost atm :(Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD )
ETA- There will be no update tomorrow as i'm on a 24hr shift at work bur normal service shall resume on monday morning the minute i get in from work.

PART 1 2 3 4 5 6

Gwen cooper clutched her Starbucks in her hand as she walked into the empty hub; it was early, a little too early considering the events of the night before, and the double espresso was doing little to take the edge off her tiredness. She hung her keys on a hook outside her office door and walked inside then shrugged off her coat. She opened up the paper bag and took out a jam doughnut; it would dent her waistline, she knew that, but there was something rather comforting about fresh coffee and a jam doughnut. It reminded her of the good old days.

“I can't say that I altogether approve of the refurbishment.” A voice from the past came from the shadows. “A little too Ikea for my tastes.”

Gwen dropped the bag, leaving the doughnut still sticking out between her teeth, and drew her gun. She turned it on the figure that stood in the corner and watched as he came walked into the light. Jack Harkness looked just the same. He dressed in his usual boots, dark trousers, light blue shirt and braces, but his coat was missing; he didn't even have a gun. He held his hands up in surrender.

“Don't let me interrupt your breakfast.”

She took the doughnut out from her mouth and wiped it then loaded a bullet into the chamber of the gun. “Give me one reason Jack.” She walked closer to him and pressed the gun to his forehead. “Just one reason.”

“For what?”

“One reason why I shouldn't put a bullet through your head to check if you're still immortal.”

“I don't have one.”

She fired the gun, sending a bullet through his head and out the other side. Jack dropped to the ground, lifeless and still; Gwen sat down at her desk, put her feet up and continued her breakfast.


David walked into the Laundrette carrying a bundle of brown paper tied with string over his shoulder. He made his way to the counter and jumped up on it then rang the bell.

“Service wash!”

Mica appeared from the back room with a frown.

“Bloody hell!” David almost fell off the counter from laughing. “Don't you look glamorous!”

Mica looked down at her uniform; the smock was green and yellow with a white pocket at the front. “Don't take the piss.”

“I can't do that.” David smiled. “It's not in my nature not to mention how ridiculous you look.”

She pushed him off the desk. “What do you want?”

“Hold on, I just need to do something.” David took out his phone and took a picture. “Priceless!”

Mica swung at him, only to miss when he dodged her.

Her brother laughed. “Too slow.”

“What do you want?”

“Service wash.” David put the package on the desk. “Jack's coat.”

She put it on the desk and wrote out a blue ticket then handed it to him. “Tell him it'll be ready at half twelve and he owes me £6.90.”


By the time Jack came back to life Gwen had finished her breakfast; she sat behind the desk and pushed a mug of steaming tea towards the other side with her foot.

“You never drank my coffee,” she said, “only his would do.”

“He did make very good coffee.”

She smiled, then let it fade. “He did.”

“Better than yours.”

“Oh, miles better.”

Jack got to his feet and walked over to the desk. “So, you kill me and then give me tea. A novel new approach to greeting visitors if you ask me.”

“Sit!” Gwen barked.

“Missed you too.” Jack did what he was told ad sat down, then took a drink. He looked over the desk at her. She didn't look happy; her lips were pursed in that way they did when she was angry and if he looked at her complexion carefully he could almost see her blood pressure rising. Her hand held her gun, tightening her grip and then letting it go. “I'm sensing that you could be a little angry with me.”

“Really?” She loaded her gun. “So, does getting shot still hurt?”


“Good.” She shot him again, this time in the arm.

“Ow!” He grasped the wound out of pain and his eyes rolled back into his skull a little. “What the--”

“How about that?” she asked. “Did that hurt?”


“Then I'm happy.” She locked her gun in the drawer. “I'm done.”


“Why didn't you come back Jack?” Her tone softened a little; she was ready to talk. “What did I do that was so terrible?”

Jack looked down at his hands. “Nothing.”

“Do you blame it on me?” She waited for an answer but Jack gave her nothing. “Do you?”

“No.” Jack sighed. “This was all my doing.”

“Then why did you punish me, Jack, why didn't you come back?”

Jack stood, his wound now healed, and walked around the desk. He crouched down beside her chair and turned it to face her then took her hand. “It was for your own good.”

She moved her hand away from the warmth of his touch. “How could it ever have been for my own good? You left me to rebuild and fight on my own.”

“You and Rhys and the baby--” Jack took her hand again and looked up till he found her eyes. “You were a family. Look what I did to Ianto's family. I tore it apart. I didn't want to be to blame for that happening again.” He felt his voice crack and the pieces of his heart shatter; he felt his eyes heat and his vision blurred as tears coated his eyes. “I lost him and I didn't know what to do.”

“Oh, Jack.” She put her hands on his face, touching his cheeks for the first time in so long. “I lost him too.”

“I broke his family,” Jack said, “and I couldn't bear to think that one day I would break your too. You and Rhys and--” He paused. “And--”

“It was a boy.” Gwen smiled. “Ianto,” she said, “nine pounds and three ounces. Huge he was and right on time. He had a full head of thick dark hair and bright blue eyes.” She wiped away his tears. “It seemed so fitting.”

“He would have loved that.” Jack sighed. “I'm sorry I didn't visit.”

“It's okay.” She ran her hand over the bloodstain on his shirt. “I'm sorry I shot you. Twice.”

“I'll live.” Jack looked up at her. “Would you have done it if you thought I wouldn't come back?

“No.” She smiled. “But I may have still knocked you out.”

“Nice to know.”

“So, why now?” She stood up an rested on the back wall. “Why did you come back after all this time? Was it because we came looking for you?”

“No.” Jack sighed. “I have a proposition for you.”


Jack closed the door to the Laundrette and sat down on the bench between the washing machines. He waited for her to materialise and smiled as he heard her sang along to the radio in the back; she didn't have the best voice, far from it, but it was marginally better than nails down a blackboard.

He lay down on the bench and waited for her to come into view, “No wonder you don't get much business.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Oh about two verses and a chorus.” He smiled.

“You should have rang the bell.” She walked over to him and lifted his feet off the bench. “Feet off. There's a sign.”

Jack read it. “No smoking?”

“Don't be smart.” She disappeared back into the room. “Have you come for your service wash?”

“Oh aren't you just a regular Dot Cotton.” He leaned on the desk.

“Are you trying to be funny?” She appeared in the doorway with the coat, then hung it up as she rushed to look at the stain on his shirt. “What happened to you?”

“Oh, that.” Jack moved her hand away from the healed wound. “I got shot, but I'm fine.”

“You should change that shirt.”

Jack smiled. “You really are a Jones.”

“I'm a Davies,” she said, “not a Jones.”

“Is that ready?” He pointed to his immaculately clean coat. “It's looking good.”

“Yeah. It'll be six pounds ninety please.” She held out her hand and waited.

“What, no mates rates?”

“No. Now cough up.”

Jack sighed and dug his hand into his pocket, then put some money in her hand. “Keep the change.”

“Oh thanks.” She turned around to put the money in the till. “Ten whole pence, I'll buy a fur coat.”

Jack laughed.

“So,” Mica sighed without turning to face him, “are you off then?”


“Are you coming back?”


She took the coat off the hanger and helped Jack into it, smoothing down the cuffs. “Nice and clean for your travels.”

“Thanks.” He took her hand. “One day I will take you with me.”

“You will?”

“Yes, I will, but not this time. I have somewhere I need to go, people to see.”

“You don't need to explain yourself Jack.” She straightened the collar of his coat and ran her fingers down the lapels, letting her finger rest on one of the buttons.

“Will you miss me?”

“Always do.”

“I was thinking about your little plan today,” Jack said, “and I was thinking that maybe you have a few holes you didn't think of.”

“Such as?”

“Well--” Jack leaned against the desk. “His body wouldn't be in any fit state, it's been thirteen years, you're going to be lucky if there's enough of it left to test.”

Mica sighed. “You;re right.”

“Unless of course you got hold of a device that could rebuild cells.” He smiled. “Like the one Torchwood has hidden away in their vault that they hardly ever venture into. Maybe it would be in Vault twenty-four somewhere. Just a guess of course.”

“How would you know that?”

“Gwen Cooper has always spent way too long in the bathroom when you slip a little something into her coffee. “He smiled. “You're not the only one who knows their way around the Torchwood computer system you know.”

“You're sneaky.”

“I know. Also, whilst I was there I pulled a few strings.” He sighed. “Two thirty outside the Norwegian church and don't be late. Gwen Cooper hates tardiness.”

She threw her arms around him, hugging him so tight he thought he was going to die for the third time in two days.

“Just promise me something.” Jack pushed her away to arms length and focussed on her eyes. “Remember that there is no shame in running away. Hiding is okay too.” He touched her cheek. “I want you alive when I come back.”

“Don't worry.”

Jack kissed her cheek and stepped away from her; he opened his wrist strap and pressed a few buttons, then he was gone.


just like a jones

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