I know....i know....i need to update and this is what i am going to update with.......

Dec 05, 2005 20:30

Today was a pretty cool day.

Except for i went to work (nanny) and we were all having fun with Christmas stuff. I noticed (we will call her doh) Doh was sitting trying to do her homework and she was kinda crying. So i walked over and sat down. At first she was frustrated that she couldn't do her homework the way it needed to be done! She missed the zeros or something (math). Basically, she ended up walking away and i finished erasing. Because when Doh erases frustrated she tends to mess up her paper and well it rips and then she gets even more mad! all bad.

Anyway, after erasing it all i walked around the house saying "Doh" and she didn't respond. i then walked past the bathroom and the door was half shut and i could she her beautiful hair and red shirt she has worn today. So i go in and she is just crying...i sat down with her and let her lay in my lap. So by the end of the conversation i wanted to cry. This little 9 year old girl called herself ugly. a little precious 9 year old girl viewed herslef as ugly!!!! There is something wrong with that! When i was 9 i didn't know what ugly was....i thought everybody was pretty. Then i was talking to her and she said
"Heidi you are pretty"
I told her about what happened to me. Know this leads me to this mornings quiet time i had. The lesson was about how God loves me for who i am.

Let me tell you guys something it has taken me years to see who i am and how beautiful i am. It is still a daily struggle. I am blessed to have a loving God, good friends, a cool boy quarter, and well a 9 year old girl who thinks i am pretty!

Now understand something here this 9 year old girl DOH is tall and slender and very much into sports! This little girl does anything she wants!!! I love her!!! She is my little girl...she calls me Mommy #2. She called me pretty and herself ugly. Okay back on point i told her God loves you....you are loved by God. Her older step brother has the same devotional in his room...i know because i gave him two! haha one for his moms house and one for his dads!

My point now being i told her i wanted to read something so i took her in his room and i read this to her nice and slow and explained it as well!

(i am going to type it word for word and if they want to sue me for copying it they can [highly doubt they would])

Verse - "You are precious and honored in my sight...because I love you."
Isaiah 43:4 NIV

The title - I'm loved by God!"

The uplifting advice - One of the most beautiful passages in Scripture is found in Isaiah cahpter 43. "you are mine. when you pass through the waters, i will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. when you walk through fire, you will not be burned...For i am the Lord, your God...you are precious and honored in my sight, and...I love you" (isaiah 43:1-4) Write down the last phrase on a card and carry it with you: "you are precious and honored in my sight...I love you." W0W!!!!!!! You are loved by God. Who else do you need to impress? What other ladder do you need to climb? What are you going to add to your resume that'll top that? Make your life an experiment of living in the love of God. Every morning when you wake up let your first words be "I'm loved by God." And every night when you go to sleep let your last words echo, "I'm loved by God" Write those words down on a card and carry them with you. When your overwhelmed by all you have to do, read it over and over to yourself. take it out when you're tempted to sin, to dishonor God, to lash out in anger and hurt someone, or deceive someone , or use someone. When you're afraid, when you're anxious, when your alone, remember and feast on that words that give life. "I'm LOVED BY GOD"

thats it.

I'M LOVED BY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basically afterword i took DOH up to her room and on her white board i write those words and told her now you will see it when you go to bed and when you wake up!!! Thats all i have for now i hope you all enjoyed reading my LONG update! Thanks for reading and remember!!!!

Bless God because He Blesses you every second of every day! =)

<3 Heidi

P.S. here is a cool song.

Mighty is the Power of the Cross
by Chris Tomlin
album: Arriving (2004)
What can take a dying man and raise him up to life again?
What can heal a wounded soul?
What can make us white as snow?
What can fill the emptiness?
What can mend our brokenness?

Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the holy cross
Where the Lamb laid down His life
To lift us from the fall
Mighty is the power of the cross

What restores our faith in God?
What reveals the Father's love?
What can lead the wayward home?
What can melt a heart of stone?
What can free the guilty ones
What can save and overcome?


It's a miracle to me (2x)
and It's still a mystery (2x)
It's a miracle to me
The power of God
For those who believe

Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the holy cross
Where the Lamb laid down His life
To lift us from the fall
Mighty is .......
Mighty is.......
Mighty is the power of the cross

Thank You for the cross (2x)
Love the cross (2x)
So Powerful...... ohhhhh yeahhh
What can take a dying man?
And raise him up to life again?

Worship You Jesus
By your wounds we are healed
By your wounds we are saved
Mighty is the power of the cross (2x)
Thank You Jesus for the Holy cross
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