Jan 25, 2005 23:47
What a pretty great day, woke up at 12:30pm like a lazy bum, went to school 2 hours early to do work before my only class of the day which is good, however, has only one bad quality it gets out at 4:45 and the bus does not come until 5:08, so there is a period in my life in which time is totally wasted (not a fan). Well, after getting home at 5:30 I went straight to my car to Wal-Mart cause I need to eat since all I had that day was yogurt and 4 slices of bread...yeah it was time. So now I can cook!!! got all my ingredients and whatnot yay I love cooking:). Had to rush home and eat before BDC practice that I had to show up early for because it was beginner night and what a heck of a good time it was. To freak out the new people of the club we first lined up and did toe-touches yelling "We love hip-hop!!!" in beat to the music and in synch. Next, we did fast feat to baby freezes at Dario's call, making sure to yell on the way down. Finally, we ran and formed a semi-circle around the newbs lined up and Dario had pre-planed this one girl to clap to the beat and move her hips to the beat, totally calling her out and the whole time this is happening we all have serious faces and not laughing (and believe me it was hard). Then the club had to vote weather to "accept" her in the club, and of course we all booed and put a thumbs down, all of the newbs was scared and taking it serious, it was great. Then in the end, Dario called on the actual new guy and shook his hand and basically said that they all go punk'ed, it was awesome.
After breaking for several hours, we all went to Pukes and I got a chance to charge my electrolytes before fencing, which was not much of a practice, I only fenced one person and won. Hopefully tomorrow I will get a chance to fence more. I guess I am pretty lucky cause some people did not even have the chance to fence. Now I look forward to getting up for my 8am class, yay for sarcasm. Night All.